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New courses and changes to existing courses [¿1-year¿ cycle]

New courses and changes to existing courses ["1-year" cycle]

(C and C-2 Forms, and appropriate GE Forms if GE certification is requested.)

Note that if the course change or addition modifies a degree program, then the process for changing a degree program should be followed.

  1. College Review Level (See College procedures and timelines).
  2. If the College recommends approval, it sends the course proposal to Academic Programs.
  3. Academic Programs sends the course proposal to the UCC and, if necessary, to the GEC: 
    • UCC - reviews the proposed course for academic soundness and quality and makes recommendations to the Senate regarding approval. Proposals that are not approved by the UCC are returned to the college and originator(s). 
    • GEC - reviews the proposed course for use in fulfillment of General Education requirements. The GEC approves courses for use in General Education (subject to, or contingent upon, the courses being approved by the Academic Senate to be offered).
  4. If UCC recommends approval of the course, it requests that the Academic Senate Executive Committee place the proposal on the Academic Senate Consent Calendar.
  5. If the Senate recommends approval (either as part of the Consent Calendar or separately, if the proposal is removed from the Consent Calendar for a separate discussion and vote), the course proposal is sent to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs - Academic Programs (AVPAA-AP) for review.
  6. If the AVPAA-AP approves the course proposal, it is published in the next General Catalog or the Catalog Addendum.
  7. When the GEC approves the use of a course in satisfying General Education requirements, it reports this approval to the Academic Senate.

Note that course descriptions to be published in the General Catalog (in even years) and the Fall Catalog Addendum (in odd years) need to be finalized at the beginning of January. Therefore, a proposal with a desired Fall implementation date needs Senate approval by the end of the preceding Fall semester. Working back even further, and allowing time careful review at UCC, a proposal with a Fall implementation date should be submitted to Academic Programs prior to the start of the preceding Fall  semester. Proposals received after this date might not be able to be implemented according to the desired timeline. (An exception will be made in the case of new faculty who submit course forms by the end of September. These proposals will receive an expedited review.)

Course descriptions intended for publication in the Spring Catalog Addendum need to be finalized at the beginning of September, and should have Senate approval by the end of the preceding Spring semester. Course proposals with a Spring implementation date should be submitted to Academic Programs prior to the start of the preceding Spring semester.

Course proposals which are approved by the Senate after these dates - but before the start of the semester for which implementation is desired - can still be offered, but they will appear in the on-line Class Schedule without the course description.