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Meet The Artists

angelina parra
Name: Angelina Parra
Name of art piece: Frustration
Wellness Dimension(s): Physical, Emotional & Spiritual 
Art Piece Description: The feeling of being frustrated is commonly felt by many, especially during these times. My artwork was created to inspire that feeling and allowing others to illustrate their descriptions.


anna espinoza
Name: Anna Espinoza
Name of art piece: In the Stillness
Wellness Dimension(s): Emotional & Spiritual
Art Piece Description: I suffered from post partum anxiety and depression during the pandemic. Unlike the stereotypical experience, I felt deeply connected to my son despite the feeling of disconnect with the world.


Name: Cheri Bailey
Name of art piece: Destiny
Wellness Dimension(s): Occupational, Physical, Social, Emotional, Financial, Spiritual, Intellectual & Environmental
Art Piece Description: We don't have control over the life we are born into but we can change the direction of our path by taking responsibility for our own life.


Name: Cheri Bailey
Name of art piece: Persevere
Wellness Dimension(s): Occupational, Physical, Social, Emotional, Financial, Spiritual, Intellectual & Environmental
Art Piece Description: If nature can, so can we. 


Name: Cheri Bailey
Name of art piece: Perspective
Wellness Dimension(s): Occupational, Physical, Social, Emotional, Financial, Spiritual, Intellectual & Environmental
Art Piece Description: Our individual stance depends upon the attitude we take towards acceptance of everyone's right to their own point of view.


Name: Cheri Bailey
Name of art piece: Curiosity and The Cat
Wellness Dimension(s): Occupational, Physical, Social, Emotional, Financial, Spiritual, Intellectual & Environmental
Art Piece Description: To be inquisitive is the desire to know or learn something. We all need this component to be successful in our endeavors.


Name: Christian Medlen
Name of art piece: All Alone 
Wellness Dimension(s): Physical, Social, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual & Environmental
Art Piece Description: To be inquisitive is the desire to know or learn something. We all need this component to be successful in our endeavors.


Name: Hunter Bowen
Name of art piece: Plastic Pollution
Wellness Dimension(s): Emotional & Environmental
Art Piece Description: This Photo was taken in La Costa on the way to Copper Creek Falls in San Elijo, an old mine from the early days of San Diego. I noticed the entire preserve was filled with trash and plastic bottles. I wanted to capture how we have become so numb to seeing these, we hardly even see the trash in the grass at first glance.


Name: Hunter Bowen
Name of art piece: Best Friend
Wellness Dimension(s): Emotional & Spiritual
Art Piece Description: A mans best friend in the world.


Name: Jake Northington
Name of art piece: Young Sunsets
Wellness Dimension(s): Spiritual
Art Piece Description: This photo is an example of a CSUSM student at the end of day leaving their last class and walking across campus to the parking lot while catching the sunset falling being double peak mountains. The atmosphere is warm, calm, very soft and relaxing end to every long day on campus. This particular view of the campus is very uplifting and makes you want to keep coming back everyday.


Name: Joshua Kim
Name of art piece: Isolated
Wellness Dimension(s): Emotional
Art Piece Description: Can't escape to the real world. Can't escape from yourself. The noise. The silence. Can you hear me now? Do you see me now? Where are you? I see you.


Name: Justin Acala
Name of art piece: Skate and Make Piece
Wellness Dimension(s): 
Art Piece Description: Skating and the friendships that come out of it develop a sense of belonging. It expands our sense of purpose. From the old tricks we perfect, to the new tricks we learn, skating gives us personal satisfaction. Skating allows for creative abilities, by finding new ways to skate, to which we can share amongst our friends. Skating gives us a way to cope effectively with life and create satisfying relationships. Skating recognizes our need for physical activity and nutrition - we can’t skate well if we don’t eat and sleep. Lastly, skating allows for satisfaction with our current and future financial situations, for the pleasant and stimulating environment to which we skate in, is all we need to be happy and live in the moment.
“Skate and Make Peace”
- Bart


Name: Rachele Jacobs
Name of art piece: Gentle Strength
Wellness Dimension(s): Emotional & Spiritual
Art Piece Description: This piece demonstrates unity and oneness with one's self. I chose a sunset to represent the end of a day and the renewal of the next day to come, and to leave worries behind and restart. I chose a Chinese panda, because it is a symbol of slowing down, of stopping trying to multitask. The panda can represent several different things to a variety of people, gentle strength, calmness, etc.. I chose to have the panda between a split rock because I felt that it demonstrates you can do anything you set your mind to. I believe it can also show balance. I chose to use a decent amount of colored saturation because that is my aesthetic and I felt it worked well with the piece.


Name: Randall Garcia
Name of art piece: Moment
Wellness Dimension(s): Environmental & Emotional
Art Piece Description: This piece is a recreation of an intimate moment in the lives of two ordinarily extraordinary individuals. These moments usually pass without a second thought, but grown into cherished memories when nurtured by the flow of we see nothing except for the moment, like a memory; we only remember the important parts.


Name: Randy Perez
Name of art piece: The Kite Runner
Wellness Dimension(s): Social, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual & Environmental
Art Piece Description: It's a cover that I created for the book "The kite runner, " the first novel by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini.[1] Published in 2003 by Riverhead Books, it tells the story of Amir, a young boy from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, whose closest friend is Hassan. The story is set against a backdrop of tumultuous events, from the fall of Afghanistan's monarchy through the Soviet military intervention, the exodus of refugees to Pakistan and the United States, and the rise of the Taliban regime.


Name: Sara Tufekci
Name of art piece: Hope
Wellness Dimension(s): Social, Emotional, Spiritual & Environmental
Art Piece Description: Inspired by the author, Paolo Coelho. His quote is: “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

We should not give up and always strive for a better change and opportunity in our life. The colors all represent hope and love.


Name: Sara Tufekci
Name of art piece: Breaking Hearts
Wellness Dimension(s): Physical, Social & Emotional
Art Piece Description: What happens when two hearts fall apart from each other?


Name: Sara Tufekci
Name of art piece: The Power of Change and Leadership
Wellness Dimension(s): Social, Emotional & Spiritual
Art Piece Description: "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"(Vincent Van Gogh).


Name: Shana Medel
Name of art piece: Life in Enso
Wellness Dimension(s): Emotional & Spiritual
Art Piece Description: Life in Ensō is a self portrait where I am placed in front of an Ensō circle. In Zen Buddhism, they have a sacred symbol called the Ensō circle which means 'circle of togetherness'. The way an Ensō circle is created is by using one stroke of the paint brush and making a free form circle. This symbolizes the acceptance of the innermost self. Often times in creating art, I am too worried about perfection that by the time I am finished I am unhappy with how it looks because my expectations were too high. By making these Ensō circles, I have learned to let go of perfection and make art the way that makes me happy.


Name: Shea Hauswirth
Name of art piece: Wash Your Hands, Again
Wellness Dimension(s): Physical, Social, Emotional & Environmental
Art Piece Description: This represents the anxiety COVID-19 caused many people, including myself. Constant washing of hands, using hand sanitizer, feeling like your hands are dirty, or believing you're sick when you're not.


Name: Tyreik Perrera
Name of art piece: Sub Umbra Floreo
Wellness Dimension(s): Social, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual & Environmental
Art Piece Description: I wanted my artwork to embody both my culture of being Belizian and issues I support such as Women’s Rights and Climate Change. The woman is a Creole Women depicted as half dead and alive as one half is in the shade and the other is in the scorching sun. This represents the National Slogan of Belize “Sub Umbra Floreo”, Under the Shade I Florish. She is posed standing to represent a quote of Emiliano Zapata “¡Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado!, I'd prefer to die standing, than to live always on my knees. Another quote of his that I believe represent my culture and art is “La tierra es de quien la trabaja con sus manos.”The land belongs to those who work it with their hands. The painting also addresses issues on Climate Change specifically Global Warming. She is dressed in Garifuna Cultural Attire and colors. The lettering represent the color of the Belizian Flag. The flower and cactus represent the diversity of plants that grow in Belize. Lastly, she is adorned with pearls to represent both the oceans of Belize but the history of Black Woman and the significance of owning pearls.


Monday-Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 10:00am -3:00pm
Thursday-Sunday: Closed