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Faculty Center

Welcome to the Faculty Center

We are here to support faculty in their multiple roles as teachers, scholars, artists, intellectuals, and members of the university and wider community.

Through diverse programming, the Faculty Center fosters a culture of continuous improvement in order to positively impact student learning.

FC Events

Fri, June 14 Mindfulness and Holistic Wellbeing Workshop (By Application Only)

Mon, June 24 Future of Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities (By Application Only)

Weds, August 21 Faculty Welcome Back Reception

FC Patio
A space for faculty
The Faculty Center provides space to connect with colleagues, get support, and attend programming tailored specifically for faculty at CSUSM. Our suite in KEL 2400 includes an outdoor patio and in-door lounge. Additionally, we have a Faculty Center library and a conference room where we hold events, trainings, and other programming.

The space of the Faculty Center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00-4:30.

Mentorship and Support 

Connect with colleagues at FC events and get mentorship from our Directors and Fellows. Make an appointment with someone from our team by visiting our Directory today!

Outside Kellogg

Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP) 

The Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP) serves students who are first generation and/or economically disadvantaged in their journey to receive their undergraduate degree.  We do this by cultivating sustainable relationships between faculty mentors and our FMP student proteges. Faculty mentors provide students with social and instrumental support, so that students find the resources they need, engage in new leadership opportunities, and plan for their future

FMP Webpage