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New Degree Programs [2 Year cycle]

(P-Form and any accompanying C and C-2 Forms)

  1. College Review Level (See College procedures and timelines).
  2. If the College recommends approval, it sends the program proposal to Academic Programs.
  3. Academic Programs sends the program proposal to UCC and BLP, which review it in parallel: • UCC - reviews the proposed curriculum for academic soundness and quality and makes recommendations to the Senate regarding approval. Proposals that are not approved by the UCC are returned to the college and originator(s). UCC prepares a summary report to the Senate on any proposals that it is recommending. • BLP - makes recommendations on resources (for example, library, laboratory, and information technology) for new academic programs. BLP prepares a summary report on resource implications for proposals that UCC is recommending to the Senate.
  4. If UCC recommends approval, the Academic Senate Executive Committee coordinates the reports from UCC and BLP.
  5. When the Executive Committee places the proposal on the Academic Senate agenda, the Academic Senate reviews and votes on proposal. Proposals should receive two readings. It is recommended that a proposal originator attend the Senate for these readings.
  6. If the Senate recommends approval, the program is sent to the Provost for review.
  7. If the Provost approves the proposal, it is sent to Chancellor's Office for review. At this point, a general notice that a program proposal has been approved by the campus and is awaiting approval from the Chancellor's Office will be published in the next General Catalog or Catalog Addendum, but degree requirements will not be officially published. After the program has cleared the first level of review at the Chancellor's Office, the degree requirements will be published in the next General Catalog or Catalog Addendum with a footnote indicating that final approval is pending.
  8. If the proposal is approved by Chancellor's Office, the program is published in the next General Catalog or the Catalog Addendum. 

Note that program copy for the General Catalog (in even years) and the Fall Catalog Addendum (in odd years) needs to be finalized at the beginning of January, and that program copy for the Spring Catalog Addendum needs to be finalized at the beginning of September. Program review at the Chancellor's Office may take as long as a year, with the initial level taking half of a year. Therefore, a proposal with a desired Fall implementation date that leaves the campus in the Spring of the preceding year should be able to be published, together with degree requirements and a footnote indicating that final review is pending, in the General Catalog or Catalog Addendum that takes effect in that desired Fall term. Working back even further, and allowing time for two readings at the Senate and careful review at UCC and BLP, a proposal with a Fall implementation date should be submitted to Academic Programs prior to the start of the Spring semester (of the calendar year  before the Fall implementation).

Proposals received after this date might not be able to be implemented according to the desired timeline.