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APIDA Faculty Staff Association

APIDA Faculty Staff Association



APIDA-FSA is the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Faculty & Staff Association on the campus of California State University San Marcos.

Its mission is to address and act on behalf of the needs of those who identify as Asian, Pacific Islander, and/or Desi on campus, promote professional development of its members by fostering fellowship and cooperation among members, and to serve the community of Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Desis through cultural activities and education.

Our purpose:

  • Engage with the Asian/Pacific Islander/Desi American community of faculty, staff, and students on campus
  • Sponsor and host the APIDA Graduation ceremony every May
  • Encourage a diverse and inclusive campus environment
  • Support APIDA student organizations
  • Promote scholarship programs and events to support students
  • Support and partner with external partners such as the San Diego Asian Film Festival

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