Monday-Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
These forms are intended for internal ASI use only.
Board of Directors
Business Functions Forms
- ASI Internal ERF form
- Cash Voucher Form
- Cell Phone Business Use Agreement
- CSUSM Deposit Form
- Payee Data Form
- State of CA Payee Data Form
Corporate Credit Cards
- Procard Manual
- Appendix I ProCard Agreement Form
- Appendix II ProCard Agreement Change Form
- Appendix III Lack of Itemized Receipt Form Fillable
- Appendix IV Gift Card & Prize Form
- Appendix V Internal Audit Report
Employee Development & LEAP
General Forms
Media and Communications
- ASI Style Guide
- MCT Levels Request Form
- Use this form first! This form should be completed prior to any of the forms below in order to establish what MCT Level your event, program, or initiative falls under.
- More information on MCT Levels can be found on the MCT Levels Grid or the MCT Levels Guidelines and Process document.
- Graphic Request
- Use this form for graphic and print requests related to an event or initiative. This includes logos, tri-folds flyers, digital signs, posters, and a-frames to be printed on paper in house (on the copy machine or a-frame printer) or digitally posted.
- If you want this graphic to be posted on social media, please complete the Social Media Request as well as this one.
- Please note that ASI does not post flyers on social media or the website.
- Photographer Request
- Use this form to request a professional photographer for event photography or to promote an event or initiative.
- If you want these professional photos to be posted on social media, please complete the Social Media Request form as well as this one.
- Do not complete this form if you can take these photos yourself for a social media post. If that's the case, just complete the Social Media Request.
- Social Media Request
- Use this form should be completed for all social media posts.
- If you want a video or graphic posted on social media, please complete the Videographer or Graphic Request in addition to this one.
- Swag/Giveaway Item Request
- Use this form for custom, ASI swag or giveaway requests.
- You do not need to do a graphics request. This request will link you up with a MCT designer to work on a design and help you find the perfect item to print on.
- Videographer Request
- Use this form for any video requests. This includes videos your YouTube, Instagram stories, Instagram feed posts, Instagram Reels, and Twitter.
- If you want the video to be posted on social media, please fill out the Social Media Request as well as this one.
- Website & Qualtrics Request
- Use this form if you have an edit for an ASI web page, if you need a web page created on the ASI website, if you have an edit for a Qualtrics form, or need a Qualtrics form created.
- Photobooth Request
- Use this form to request a photobooth at your event.
- The photobooth includes a backgrop, camera, and printer print out photostrips.
- If you want a custom graphic for your event, please complete the Graphic Request as well
Programs and Events
- Contract Request
- Should be completed at least 6 weeks in advance of contractor working with ASI.
- You do not need to complete a contract form if the person you're working with is a CSUSM staff or faculty member.
- Post-Event Evaluation
- Completed after each ASI event.
- Risk Assessment
- Completed before each ASI event.
Student Organization Account Services
For all forms realted to students organization accounts, please visit the website.
- ASI Travel Policy
- Pre-Travel Approval Form
- Per Diem Worksheet
- Release and Hold-Harmless Statement
- Release of Liability, Promise Not to Sue, Assumption of Risk and Agreement to Pay Claims
- Student Conduct Agreement
- Post Travel Form (Travel Expenses Claim Fillable Form)
As part of an agreement for HR services with CSUSM Corporation, ASI of CSUSM follows CSUSM Corporation Volunteer processes. ASI volunteers are therefore asked to complete the CSUSM Corporation Volunteer Application and Appointment Form.