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Get Out the Vote - CHABSS Voices September Theme

Winner for CHABSS Dean's Pick is Anonymous

There is only one you and only one me
And we seem to be met with great responsibility.
To participate and to take a stand
To use our privilege as the free and the brave of this land.

To cast one vote may seem a small feat
A shout in the void, futile, obsolete.
But the second-hand creeps on, heedless on its way
Each tick instrumental in the thousands a day.
Lone snowflakes still fall in the midst of a blizzard
And what of a symphony if each note wasn’t heard?

See our country was not built on just one I or me
“We the people” would fall if it weren’t for the “we”.
“Justice for all” is not implicit, it’s learned
By “deriving just powers from the consent of the governed”.

So by mail or early or waiting in line
For our children and theirs, and those before our time.
For people taking to the streets, for the ones who can’t breathe
For those who fight for a status they may never achieve.
For your town or city, country or planet
For the people in places who will never see a ballot.

We may not agree on policies or debates
But our choice
our voice
That is what we owe to these United States.

Winner for CHABSS Staff Pick is Alexia Lamparelli, student in AMD 204

Winner of CHABSS Dean's Office Staff Pick

Thank you to all our Get Out the Vote artists and poets for making CHABSS Voices a success.

October's theme is Life in a Pandemic.

Deadline is October 26 at 5 p.m. 

We look forward to seeing your creativity!

CHABSS Voices Get Out the Vote entryBy Rachele Jacobs ~ Visual and Performing Arts, with an emphasis in Arts and Technology.

CHABSS Voice Get Out the Vote entry By Isabella Tabornal ~ Art, Media, & Design

Get Out the Vote Entry by Brian GallegosBy Brian Gallegos ~ Visual and Performing Arts and Technology
Get Out the Vote by Ceallach McGovernBy Ceallach McGovern ~ Art, Media, & Design
Get Out the Vote by Marissa VillanuevaBy Marissa Villanueva ~ student in AMD 204


By Marissa Alvarez ~ Communication

America the free,
Vote for our democracy

November third,
Make your voice heard

The riots, the vigils, the trauma, the death
When will we be free?

I thought we were living in the "American Dream"

Check your voter registration
Let's come together as a nation

This election is against oppression
Let's fight the voter suppression

One person at a time, one vote at a time
We can change this so called "normalcy"

Get Out the Vote by Melanie RamirezBy Melanie Ramirez ~ Arts & Technology

Get Out the Vote entry by Melissa UrrutiaBy Melissa Urrutia ~ Art, Media, & Design
Get Out the Vote entry by Sarah LizardeBy Sarah Lizarde ~ Visual and Performing Arts, Arts and Tech
Get Out the Vote entry by Shana MedelBy Shana Medel ~ Visual Arts
Get Out the Vote entry by Trent BorgerBy Trent Borger ~ Art, Media, & Design
 Get Out the Vote by Andrew CayasBy Andrew Cayas ~ student in AMD 204
Get Out the Vote by Danni MorelBy Danni Morel ~ Art, Media, & Design
Get Out the Vote by Angelina RojasBy Angelina Rojas ~ Art, Media, & Design
Get Out the Vote by Lina Awadalla IskanderBy Lina Awadalla Iskander ~ Art, Media, & Design
Get Out the Vote by Lupita AlcantarBy Lupita Alcantar ~ student in AMD 204
Get Out the Vote by Brianna BarbozaBy Brianna Barboza ~ student of AMD 204
 Get Out the Vote by Koko TanakaBy Koko Tanaka ~ student in AMD 204