Decolonization, Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The CHABSS Diversity Working Group (CDWG) was formed in 2014 to advance diversity inclusion in the college. Pursuing the CHABSS Strategic Goals and in close coordination with the Dean’s office and university diversity efforts, the CDWG promoted diversity in the classroom, in the curriculum, in hiring and retention of faculty and staff, in research, and in our college community. In May 2021, the CDWG was formally adopted into the bylaws as a college-wide governance committee and renamed the Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-racism Committee (EIARC). *Per election in November 2023, this committee's name has been changed to: Decolonization, Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DAREIC)
1. The charge of the Decolonization, Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DAREIC) is to make recommendations to the Dean regarding policy, programs, curriculum, services, and recruitment and retention of students, faculty, and staff to obtain equitable outcomes. The DAREIC serves a crucial role by providing advice and guidance on targeted issues related to decolonization, anti-racism, equity, and inclusion in the college.
2. The DAREIC shall make recommendations to the Dean regarding the CHABSS response to policies, issues, or concerns related to decolonization, anti-racism, equity, and inclusion.
3. At the request of the Dean or at its own behest, the DAREIC may provide advice to the Dean’s Office on any matter of long-term CHABSS planning, development, and/or resource allocation, working in consultation with the other governance committees, as necessary and advisable.
4. The DAREIC will consult with and advise the other governance committees on matters related to decolonization, anti-racism, equity, and inclusion.
5. The DAREIC will disseminate information and policy updates regarding issues of decolonization, anti-racism, equity, and inclusion to the college, and will serve as a resource to college units as needed.
6. DAREIC members are expected to attend regular meetings, the schedule and modality of which will be determined by the committee.