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College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Graduation Requirements

CS Worksheet

Flowchart of Prerequisites



High school students are encouraged to take four years of English, four years of mathematics including trigonometry, one year of biological science, and one year of physical science. Courses in calculus, physics, and computer programming are recommended. Experience in clear, concise, and careful writing is valuable for success in all courses.

Transfer Credits

A maximum of thirty-two (32) lower-division units including courses in Computer Science, mathematics, and science may be applied toward the preparation for the major requirements. Of the thirty-two (32) units, twelve (12) units must appropriately match the description for CS 111, CS 211, and CS 231; twelve (12) units must appropriately match the description for MATH 160*, MATH 162, and MATH 264; and eight (8) units must be biology, chemistry, or physics courses that are counted toward a science major and at least one must also fulfill a lower-division Area B requirement other than B4*

*Three (3) units of the above-transferred courses will count toward the lower-division General Education requirements in Area B4. If suitably chosen, three (3) additional units will count in either area B1 or B2. Students are encouraged to consult their faculty advisor to learn about courses that fulfill the General Education requirements.

Special Conditions for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

All courses counted toward the major, including Preparation for the Major courses, must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better. No more than a total of three (3) units of either CS 498 or CS 499 may be applied to the major. A minimum of fifteen (15) upper-division units counted toward the major must be completed at Cal State San Marcos.

Computer Science

General Education (48 Units)

General Education Requirements 

Preparation for the Major (38 Units)

Non-Computer Science Supporting Courses (26 Units)


*Six (6) lower-division General Education units in area B (Math and Science) are automatically satisfied by courses taken in Preparation for the Major.

Major Requirements (39 Units)

Minimum Total (120 Units)

Students must take a sufficient number of elective units to bring the total number of units to a minimum of 120