Course Related Requirements
Minimum units
- 30 units of graduate courses
Course Sequence Requirement:
Students are required to complete the following graduate-level core courses (7 units):
- CS 500 - Research Preparation in Computer Science Units: 1
- CS 542 - Design Patterns and Object-Oriented Analysis Units: 3
- CS 571 - Artificial Intelligence Units: 3
And two more core courses to be selected from the following list (6 units):
- CS 512 - Introduction to Data Mining Units: 3
- CS 513 - Analysis and Intractability of Algorithms Units: 3
- CS 537 - Data Communication and Computer Networks Units: 3
Note: Students are strongly advised to complete these core courses before selecting their electives. Students must take CS 500 as one of the first nine (9) units towards the degree.
Elective Selection Requirements:
- Only CS courses numbered 500 or higher and up to three (3) units of 400-level courses can be counted toward the Master's degree.
- At least eight (8) units must be numbered 600 or above. This may include CS699 (5 units).
Other Restrictions:
- Not more than nine (9) units in approved extented learning (including Open University) and transfer courses may be used to satisfy the minimum units required for the degree. You must complete the Course Substitution Form if you would like us to count 1) courses you plan to take at another university and 2) CSUSM Open Univesity or Extended Learning courses you took prior to your being admitted (which were not counted for another degree).
- Given the nature of rapid development in Computer Science, all requirements should be satisfied within five years of initial acceptance into the program or course work must be repeated.
- No course or equivalent which was taken as a requirement for the completion of a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or related fields can be used to satisfy these requirements.
- Students who do not fully meet the admission requirements but can address deficiencies through additional coursework may be admitted with conditionally classified graduate status. However, the units completed to fulfill these deficiencies cannot be applied toward the Master of Science in Computer Science at Cal State San Marcos.