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College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Masters Research Topics Availability


Faculty Advisor



Dr. Ali Ahmadinia

Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Edge AI
  • Cybersecurity
  • Low Power IoT
  • Solid programming skills.
  • Motivation to learn new topics in IoT, Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity
Dr. Simon Fan

Multi-Agent Systems and Machine Learning

  • Deep learning in video recognition.

Software Engineering

  • Service-oriented architecture.
  • Micro-architecture.
  • Knowledge of Python.
  • Knowledge of Java.
  • Must plan to work on project for two semesters.
Dr. Ahmad Hadaegh

DBMS and Data Mining

  • All aspects of Database Management Systems and Data Mining.
  • Interdisciplinary work with biology to predict the genes using data mining techniques.
  • Interdisciplinary work with chemistry to predict drugs for diseases such as HIV, Alzheimer's, breast cancer, etc.
  • Knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and statistics.
  • Recommended:  a course in Bioinformatics.
  • Recommended: BIOL_210 (Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology) and CS_443 (Database Management Systems).
  • Required: CS_512 (with a grade of "C" or higher or consent of the instructor).
Dr. Jing Hou

Network Economics, Cybersecurity, Wireless Networks

  • Game theory in network economics
  • Quantitative risk analytics for decision making and cybersecurity supply chain
  • Resource allocation and performance optimization in wireless networks


  • Motivation to learn new topics in cybersecurity and network economics
  • Willingness to do interdisciplinary research between wireless networks, economics, and operations management
  • Solid math background is preferred
Dr. Asif Imran

Research in green software engineering, software sustainability, provenance based software security

  • Refactoring software code smells for improved resource usage and improvement of energy usage
  • Analysis of provenance from large scale distributed software to identify security threats
  • Proficiency in Python and Java programming language are desired
Dr. Yuanyuan Jiang

Virtual Reality (VR), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Multi-disciplinary Collaboration

  • Develop VR solutions using tools like motion tracking solution, game engine, and head mounted displays.
  • Design experiment and run user studies to find out how users interact with VR solutions.
  • Apply VR technology to solving multi-disciplinary problems.
  • Solid programming skills are recommended.
  • Recommended pre/co-requisites: Game Programming or VR-related classes. 
  • Knowledge of Unity3D development.
  • Interests in game programming, VR, and HCI-related topics.
  • Ample time left (more than two semesters) in your program to complete training and the project.
Dr. Yanyan Li

Research in Mobile Security, IoT, and Cloud Security

  • Human behavior-based authentication.
  • Network anomaly detction in Cloud and IoT.
  • Machine learning in cybersecurity.
  • Motion destion under ubiquitous WiFi.
  • Knowledge of data analysis skills is recommended.
  • Motivation to learn new topics in cybersecurity.
Dr. Nahid Majd

Computer Networks, Blockchain, and Machine Learning

  • Computer Networks.
  • Machine learning, Deep learning.
  • Blockchain, Cryptography, and Cryptocurrency.
  • Network security.
  • Internet of Things.
  • Knowledge in Maching Learning and/or Deep Learning.
Dr. Justin Morris
  • Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Computing
  • Low Powered Machine Learning
  • Emerging Computing Technologies
  • Required: Knowledge of Python
  • Recommended: Knowledge in Maching Learning and/or Deep Learning
  • Recommended: CS_531 (Advanced Computer Architectures)
Dr. Youwen Ouyang

Mobil computing

  • Develop web-based applications that support interactive science learning experiences for K-12 students (preferably middle school).
  • Explore project options in map-based applications and possibly smart phone applications (iPhone or Android).
  • Demonstrated strong programming experience in one object-oriented programming language.
Dr. Muhammad Lutfor Rahman

Research in human factors in security, brain-computer interface, and usable security

  • Understanding security programs (e.g. phishing, warning, password, access control), utilizing behavioral and neural measures.
  • Cybersecurity in brain-computer interface.
  • Usable security and privacy.
  • Knowledge of programming.
  • Data processing and analysis skills.
  • Willingness to do interdisciplinary research between cybersecurity, neuroscience, and psychology.
Dr. Shaun-Inn Wu

Non-symbolic Artificial Intelligence

  • Artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms/programming, and data mining.
  • Web and mobile programming and applications.
  • Recommended: CS_573 or CS_575.
  • Knowledge of data structures and statistics.
  • Motivattion to learn new topics in soft computing.
 Dr. Rika Yoshii

Intelligent/Adaptive Tutoring Systems

  • Development of authoring systems for developing tutoring systems.
  • Development of tutoring systems based on mental models for math, programming, and language learning.
  • Development of tutoring and assisting systems for Asperger's, using machine learning.
  •  Requires extensive experience with web page programming and MYSQL.
  • Able to write machine learning programs.
  • Required pre-requisites: CS_571 and/or CS_577 (with a grade of "B" or higher).
Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang

Research in bioinformatics and data science

  • Develop and apply algorithms and machine learning models to analyze and understand biological data.
  • Develop deep learning models to comprehend various dimensional data (1D sequences, 2D images, and 3D volumes).
  • Required knowledge of Python programming, algorithms, and statistics.
  • Motivation to learn new topics.
  • Knowledge of machine learning and deep learning.
  • Recommended: CS_614 (Bioinformatics Algorithms).
Dr. Yongjie Zheng

Research in Software Engineering, Software Architectures, Architecture-Centric Development

  • Development of architecture-centric toolset (e.g. architectural modeling tool, code generator, and annotation processor) in the Eclipse environment to manage differences between the products of a software product family.
  • Implementation techniques used: ANTLR, Eclipse Plug-ins, Code Generation, Java Annotations.
  • Dynamically modify a running software system's behavior without having to stop its executions.  In this project, we develop an architecture-based approach to modifying running implementation of a software system.
  • Recommended proficiency in Java Programming and Eclipse Plug-ins.