CSUCCESS (California State University Connectivity Contributing to Equity and Student Success) is a bold initiative to enhance student achievement and create more equitable opportunities for the CSUSM community by providing industry-leading technology. CSUSM will offer every eligible student an opportunity to register for a device (computer) putting the tools for success in their hands.
Appointment availability will continue to be offered throughout the semester to meet reservation demand.
Fall 2024 Graduates
Congratulations to those who are graduating this Fall! Your device will need to be returned on or before your graduation date. You can return your equipment to the Student Technology Helpdesk, located in the Kellogg Library, 2nd floor entrance. M-F, from 8am-5pm.
Program Eligibility Requirements
- Students must be continuously enrolled at CSUSM during Fall and Spring terms to retain their equipment.
- Students must be enrolled in at least 1 or more unit(s) to be eligible.
- One new device per eligible student at CSUSM.
- Break/fix replacement is at the discretion of CSUSM.
- Students are financially responsible for their device and accessories.
- We can mail your device if you live more than 90 miles away and we are able to contact you and verify your identity. Please email csuccess@csusm.edu to make arrangements.
- Students must show their digital ID with a picture uploaded, or provide photo ID at the time of their appointment to receive the device.
- The devices and technical support provided through this program are intended for CSUSM academic use only. Contact iitsequipment@csusm.edu for more information.
Preparing for your Pick-up Appointment
Please register via Step 1 below prior to reserving a pickup appointment. Sign-in
with your campus username and password when registering.
Step 1: Register for a device
Frequently Asked Questions
- I graduated or will leave CSUSM, do I have to return the device?
Yes, you must return the device once you leave CSUSM.
- Why is Cal State offering this program?
Throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, students indicated a lack of access to a computer or mobile device as an obstacle in the way of their achievement. CSUCCESS (California State University Connectivity Contributing to Equity and Student Success) represents the CSU’s commitment to closing equity gaps and providing high-quality and reliable personal computing devices to support academic achievement.
During the pandemic, the CSU worked to address part of this challenge by investing more than $18 million to purchase more than 21,000 laptops and tablets and 10,000 mobile Wi-Fi hotspots for students, in addition to loaning out several millions of dollars' worth of existing equipment.
Ongoing challenges of the pandemic require campuses to continue to deliver some courses virtually, posing persistent barriers to student success. These tools will help eliminate barriers and improve student success and equitable graduation outcomes, which are among the CSU’s highest priorities.
- Who is eligible to receive a new equipment bundle?
All students enrolled in 1 unit(s) or more at CSUSM are eligible, but students must submit a request form. There are no income-based eligibility requirements. Students may self-identify their need by submitting a request.
- How do students request a device?
Eligible students who did not participate in the CSUCCESS event should register using the link above and will receive information on how they can pick up their equipment bundle from the IITS Help Desk once the semester starts.
- What do students receive?Microsoft Surface Go Laptop 2 system.
- When do students receive their devices?
Eligible students who did not participate in the CSUCCESS event should register using the link above and will receive information on how they can pick up their equipment bundle from the IITS Help Desk once the semester starts.
- Can students be mailed their device?We can mail your device to you if you live over 90 miles away and we are able to contact you and verify your identity. Please email csuccess@csusm.edu with your mailing request. If you live less than 90 miles away, you are expected to pick it up in person.
- Who owns the device? Do students keep it after graduation?
The CSU loans the device to students for the duration of their education at the CSU. Upon graduation, students will be asked to return their device. Devices are provided on a loaned basis so as not to impact students’ financial aid.
- Who helps students with set-up and IT questions?
Students will receive technology support from CSUSM's IITS department.
- Will students need to have Wi-Fi access to use the device?
Students will need to connect to Wi-Fi to get on the internet, make calls and send/receive emails on their device
CSU campuses continue to expand outdoor and parking lot access, and the CSU is exploring new partnership opportunities for student access in public spaces. The CSU continues to work with both public and private partners to support expansion of broadband access across the State of California.
- What happens if the device is damaged or lost?
Students are advised to contact IITS for support if equipment is damaged. If equipment is stolen, it is the student’s responsibility to report it to the police and communicate with campus. In some cases, IITS staff may be able to disable the device remotely, making it unusable until returned. Students are advised to contact IITS for information about replacing a damaged or lost device.
- Does the university track students’ usage on the device? What data will be collected?
The CSU will not be monitoring students’ day-to-day activities on the devices. However, each application has a privacy statement that explains how it collects and uses information.
That said, CSU campuses do monitor network traffic, and the mobile device management system will have the ability to alert IITS staff if the student does something illegal or downloads an application not provided by the school.
Students should refer to their campus’ Student Technology Agreement and Privacy Statement.
- What if students need to use assistive technology?
Students should contact IITS for resources on assistive technology needs. The Disability Support Services office may also be a resource.
- Why aren’t all CSU campuses participating?
Many campuses have existing device loan programs in place (library laptop loaners, for example) to serve as an alternative, or in concert with CSUCCESS, to ensure that students have the tools they need to succeed. The CSU has invited all campuses to participate and is actively seeking resources to fund additional phases to expand the initiative to more students on more campuses.