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California State University Employee Union

California State University Employee Union


Representing Bargaining

Units 2, 5, 7, 9

Members Approve Contract Extension!

We have a contract extension! By a margin of 10-1, members voted to ratify the 2024-2026 contract extension.

More than 8,600 CSUEU members participated in the vote, winning historic salary reform and a steps structure for Support Staff. The vote count was: 7,869 YES, 743 NO  

Contract wins:

+ Year 2023/2024: 5% General Salary Increase (GSI) 
+ Year 2024/2025: 5% GSI 
+ Year 2025/2026: Full implementation of salary structure with future Steps to be based on satisfactory evaluations. 


"Unions have been fighting the 1 percent vs 99 percent fight for more than 100 years. Now the rest of us are learning that this fight is also OUR fight."

- Dave Johnson, "Labor's Fight is OUR Fight", Campaign for America's Future