Membership Benefits
As a CSUEU-represented employee, you are classified as either a Fee Payer or a Dues-Paying Member. CSUEU benefits and services vary depending upon these classifications.
Did you know?
Although Union fees are deducted from your paycheck, you are not automatically a member of the Union. All CSUEU-represented employees have fees taken out of their paychecks every month. When taken out, these fees are classified as coming from either a Fee-Payer or a Dues-Paying Member. Although the difference between these classifications may be only 0.008% per month, the membership benefits and services obtained more than offset this difference.
How do I find out my current status within CSUEU?
The easiest way to determine your current status within CSUEU is to look at the deductions section of your most recent paystub. If the deduction says "CSEACSUF", then you are a Fee-Payer. If it says "CSEACSUD", then you are a Dues-Paying Member. See sample Pay Stub.
What are the benefits of becoming a member?
- Only Union members can participate in the governance of the Union via contract and leadership elections;
- Only Union members are represented in disciplinary actions (reprimands, suspensions and terminations);
- Only Union members receive a complimentary death benefit for their families;
- Only Union members are eligible to participate in discounted Union insurance and benefit programs; and
- Only Union members receive discounted tickets through CSEA.
How much is deducted per month when I become a member?
Member dues are 1.0% of your monthly salary. Currently, the State Controller’s Office already deducts Fee Payer Union fees from your monthly paycheck which equal 0.992% of your monthly salary. Membership will only be an additional 0.008% per month.
Example: If you have a monthly salary of $3,250, as a Fee Payer, you already pay $32.24 per month. The Membership deduction would be $32.50. As a Dues-Payer, you would only pay an additional $0.26 per month.