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Lockdown Drill

November 1, 2023 @ 2:00 pm

Drill Timeline

  • November 1, 2023 at 2:00 pm.
  • UPD will send out messages via the emergency notification system (ENS) to start the lockdown drill.
  • The drill is expected to last 15 minutes.
  • Plan to test your lockdown procedures by going to your identified lockdown room, locking the doors, turning off lights, closing blinds, silencing cell phones, and waiting for the all clear.
  • All classrooms on campus are considered lockdown rooms.
  • “All Clear” message will be sent to end the drill.

Drill Start Message: This is a Drill! This is a campus-wide lockdown drill, lockdown immediately! This is a Drill!

All Clear Message: The Drill has ended! All Clear, please resume normal operations. The Drill has ended!

Our Commitment to Safety

Cal State San Marcos is thoroughly committed to the safety and well-being of all members of our campus community. Just like the University Police Department, you have a role as well. All campus community members should have a plan and be ready to react immediately.  Our campus has adopted the national RUN, HIDE, FIGHT model. Hopefully we will never have  to use these tactics but thinking about what to do is the first step to keeping yourself and others safe. 

View the CSU Active Shooter Safety Training Video (Animated)  (CSU Video Animado de Seguridad del Tirador Activo) to learn more about the RUN, HIDE, FIGHT model.

The campus lockdown drill will focus on the HIDE technique. In the event of an Active Shooter on campus, University Police will activate a campus wide lockdown until the situation is secure. A "lockdown" is a temporary technique utilized to limit human exposure to an apparent life-threatening, hostile or hazardous situation or threat.

It is important to identify Lockdown Rooms in advance so that you can move to room in an emergency. During an incident, turn off lights, close blinds, and silence cell phones until University Police informs you it is safe to exit your location. Students in residence halls should remain in their rooms with the door locked until the all clear is issued.

In general, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances of the encounter. If you are near an area where a shooting or shooter is identified, take whatever actions necessary to protect yourself. Situational Awareness is key - if the shooter is in your area get away from them. Use any means necessary to get out or away from the incident.

If you're receiving an emergency alert but are not hearing gun fire, screams or seeing an assailant, lockdown immediately.  

In the event of an Active Shooter or Gunman on campus: 

  • Immediately cease all activity (i.e. teaching, group work, meetings etc...)
  • Lockdown – Move quickly to your identified lockdown room or a room that is easily lockable.  If safe to do so stay in that location until University Police informs you that it is safe to exit or you receive an all clear notification.
  • Lock all entrances to your location. Card access doors will be locked during a lockdown but can be opened from the inside.
  • Close blinds
  • Turn off the lights
  • Silence cell phones
  • Stay low to the ground and hide until the situation has ended
  • Be as quiet as possible
  • Give the impression the room is empty
  • DO NOT respond to anyone at the door until an "all clear" message is received or if you are certain it is safe to do so (i.e. if police are at the door)
  • Be aware of alternate exits if it becomes necessary to flee
  • Work in groups and develop a plan, just in case the shooter is able to make it into your area


  • Do not sound the fire alarm in the building unless there is a fire. People may be placed in harm's way when they are attempting to evacuate the building. If a fire alarm does go off during a lockdown, do not evacuate unless you smell smoke or see fire in your area.
  • Exterior Doors will be secured! If you are outside when a lockdown is initiated, find a safe place to hide or move quickly to the exteriors of campus.
  • If you are not on campus, DO NOT come to campus.

The Emergency Notification System and how to update your account to receive text messages