The Ethnic Studies Program at California State University San Marcos offers students the opportunity to study critically and systematically the experiences of racial/ethnic groups that have been economically, educationally, politically, legally, and/or socially disadvantaged. Courses in Ethnic Studies analyze how these groups have been integrated or not into society(ies) and how race/ethnicity has shaped identity. The Ethnic Studies Program provides students with an empowering education that expands students' social and political perspectives and the critical thinking skills necessary in today's world.
Offering U.S. and global perspectives, the Ethnic Studies Program supports the founding Mission Statement of the University by helping to prepare students "to live cooperatively and competitively in a world of cultural and ethnic diversity."
The Ethnic Studies Program at CSUSM is committed to intellectual rigor and scholarly excellence. The program prepares students for a variety of occupations where knowledge and understanding of racial and ethnic groups are essential. Graduates of the Ethnic Studies Program pursue careers in both public and private sectors, such as business, education, law, medicine, public health, corrections, social work, journalism, public relations, politics, psychology, international relations, and creative writing. It also prepares students for graduate study in related fields.
The possibilities of what students and faculty produce in collaboration exists in We Feel, We Worry, We Refuse: A Community Zine. Guided by Dr. Perez, he and students in ETST 101 and ETST 301, along with community members, contributed to produce a powerful collection of poems, journal entries, letters, paintings, and drawings. “Keep passing the good word.”
Revolutionary Friendships: Reflections on Yuri Kochiyama and Malcom X" by Dr. May Fu, Visiting Professor and Scholar-in-Residence in Ethnic Studies. Postponed from 3rd to May 10th, 12:00 - 1:00pm in the Cross Cultural Center.
In response to anti-Asian/Asian American violence, the Ethnic Studies Program submits its Statement of Commitment.
Read the latest news about the new state requirement in Ethnic Studies. The Academic Senate passed the Resolution in Opposition to the CSU Chancellor's Proposed Implementation of AB 1460 on October 7, 2020.