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Faculty Pathway Leads


Beginning in spring 2022, the HSI-STEM leadership convened a working group made of up of faculty from each of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics departments termed Faculty Pathway Leads.

One of the major goals of the current project is to expand the “ecosystem” to all STEM students to increase the number of Hispanic/LatinX and/or low-income students attaining STEM degrees.  An essential element of this effort is providing students support from individuals at all levels, from their peers, staff, and faculty. A key job of a Pathway Lead will be to help identify areas of need and support, to identify resources that would mitigate these needs, and to assist students in navigating and engaging with these resources. Together, Pathway Leads and the HSI-STEM team will decrease the barriers students face in navigating the complex university system and increase student’s sense of belonging to the campus and the major.

As a working group, Faculty Pathway Leads will work within a framework of Guided Pathways while seeking to:

  • Incorporate input and feedback from the faculty community to enhance discipline‐specific programming to address student curricular needs.
  • Collaborate with the HSI-STEM team and other entities on campus to plan discipline-specific workshops and events to support students’ success in STEM.
  • Work with the HSI-STEM team to identify and understand implementation best practices in higher education related to STEM student academic success.
  • Explore and review relevant data to inform current trends and areas of need
Faculty Pathway Leads, AY 2024-2025
Faculty Department
Amber Puha Mathematics
George Brusch Biological Sciences/Biotechnology
Afra Panahi Chemistry and Biochemistry
Yongjie Zheng Computer Science and Information Systems/Software Engineering

Current Projects

Articulation retreats between CSUSM, Palomar, MiraCosta, and Mt. San Jacinto.

Outreach and career events.