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2019 Website Statistics

Streamlining content and decluttering pages in 2019 have resulted in fewer pages being served, while the amount of website visitors has increased by over 4%.


2111786 Users, 4% increase


14627963 pageviews, 7% decrease

8% of users have moved from desktop to their mobile devices to access the campus website. Trends in traffic sources show a decrease of 4% of users entering the CSUSM site directly, while there is an overall increase in traffic from third party sites (e.g. search engines, social etc). 


60% Desktop, 37% Phone, 3% Tablet

Traffic Sources

45% Organic Search, 36% Direct, 12% Referral, 4% Social, 3% Paid Search, 1% Other/Email

There was a 10% increase in visitors using the CSUSM web search. The top 3 search queries remained consistent while "career center" and "nursing" have been replaced by "bookstore" and "25live".

Unique Searches

726198 Unique Searches, 10% increase

Top Search Queries

  • library
  • parking
  • cougarapps
  • bookstore
  • 25live