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Student Employee Development Conference

The annual Student Employee Development Conference (SEDC) is meant to inspire students to get the most out of their on-campus employment experience and helps prepare them for post-college careers. Navigating a path in life is never easy. The conference promotes an appreciation of the journey to success itself—whatever that means for each student. Plenaries and breakout sessions focus on topics such as identity development, student leadership, co-curricular learning, and holistic development. 

This years conference was held on October 18th through Zoom. The SEDC for next year will be updated here.

What have students said about past conferences?


"The conference helped me in my personal development by allowing me the opportunity to become better acquainted with my peers, learning to communicate my life goals with them more effectively, and identifying my own strengths and weaknesses."
- 2019 Conference Attendee

"The way the conference prepared me for my career was by helping me have a growth mindset. The keynote speaker emphasized that failure is not failure unless you let it be. We must learn from our mistakes in order to grow and be able to help ourselves and others." 
- 2019 Conference Attendee

"Every conference has its own identity, that grows every year with every new conference. I cannot wait to see what SEDC will grow in to, as it already has some unique opportunities for student leaders to gain skills they can use in their professional life, during their campus career and in their private lives.
- 2019 Conference Attendee

Student Reaction Video

SEDC Archives

If you have questions in the meantime, please email