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Support for Your Students

Learning and Tutoring Services hires students from a variety of majors. The diverse population of majors represented amongst our student staff allows us to tutor a breadth of subjects; however, we are unable to support all of them. Our support offers are determined with regard to DFW data, demand, funding, and the student candidate pool.  


Tutoring is led by enthusiastic peers who are both trained and academically successful. Through friendly conversation and guided practice, tutors help students access confidence and competence in their learning. Tutors use non-directive questioning, vetted resources, and descriptive demonstration. Their main goal is for visitors to embrace challenges as opportunities to become more independent and capable problem-solvers and learners.

The Writing Center offers support for all student writers, regardless of the course in support of the All University Writing Requirement. Since they are process-oriented, as opposed to product-oriented, tutors guide students through the writing stages (brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing). Learn more about The Writing Center or contact to inquire about supporting your students. 

The STEM Success Center offers course-specific support for select courses in BIO, CHEM, CS, MATH, and PHYS. Select courses are chosen by demand and our ability to staff them long-term. Learn more about The STEM SC or contact to inquire about supporting your students.

NetTutor is subject-specific support offered by a 3rd party from which the campus has purchased a certain number of tutoring hours. The subjects it supports are ACCT, BUS, ECON, FIN, HD, HIST, PSYCH, PSCI, PHIL, SOC, and SPAN. Learn more about NetTutor or contact to inquire about supporting your students. 

Embedded Tutoring

Tutors are embedded in courses of partnering programs and faculty. The tutor supports students during class sessions during class activities, workshops, and independent study. The same tutor is also available for additional tutoring outside the classroom!

Eligibility Requirements

  • The course has active learning components (small group breakouts, in-class workshops, project-based learning, etc.)
  • Faculty members can provide 3 tutor candidates each semester
  • The DFW rate is considered in candidacy 
  • ET is offered with the intent to improve in-center traffic, tutor training for the course, and students resources.

Learn more about embedded tutoring or request an embedded tutor for your course. 

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions are structured group study and lessons for challenging courses, led by SI leaders who have previously excelled in the course. These sessions focus on collaborative learning techniques, reinforcing course content, and developing effective study habits.

Eligibility Requirements

  • DFW rates are greater than or equal to 25% for the past 3-5 years
  • Tutoring support for the course is limited due to staffing or scheduling
  • Enough cooperating faculty and student staff availability to support the majority of offered sections
  • During the first year of the year of support, 35% or more of students attend.

Learn more about Supplemental Instruction or contact to request SI for your program.