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Volunteer Info

Volunteer Information and Documentation of Volunteer Hours

Optional Points for Admission to the Generic/Basic BSN Program

We will award points for volunteer work at a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or hospice facility provided you have interaction with patients who are receiving medical care.  Our goal is to have you observe working RN's and other health care professionals in an acute care setting, and their interaction with patients and family members.  We do not award points for 'activities' interaction with patients, such as playing games, reading, crafts, etc.

We do accept Volunteer Work completed while in High School provided the volunteer experience involved interaction with patients, and provided such volunteer work can be documented.

Students can accumulate volunteer hours at multiple sites, if desired. Please remember, though, that students need to have interaction with patients.  In other words, we do not accept volunteer work in the Hospital Gift Shop, in the hospital cafeteria, completing filing work, or answering phones at a reception desk, for example. 

We will not accept volunteer work at a private residence. 

How to document your volunteer hours?

The hospitals should keep track of your volunteer hours for you, provided you are completing volunteer work as coordinated through the hospital's Volunteer Office.  Once you have finished volunteering at a particular site, you will want to request a letter from that site, documenting your volunteer hours there.  Below is the letter template to follow when getting your volunteer hours documented.  Be sure to pick up the letter, or have it sent to your address. Make sure that your letter includes all required information, per the letter template.

Follow Example -- Volunteer Documentation Letter Template

 If letters do not contain all of this information, on original letterhead stationary, such letters will not be considered.