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AB 1460 Implementation


On August 17, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a new 3-unit Ethnic Studies requirement for the 23-campus California State University system.  On October 8, 2020 campuses received a draft Executive Order on CSU General Education Breadth Requirements.  This information is being shared so that CSUSM faculty and the campus community will be well informed during this process and able to provide input during the consultation period between the California State University Council on Ethnic Studies, the Academic Senate of the California State University, and the Chancellor's Office.  

The Chancellor's Office has created a webpage on the Ethnic Studies Requirement.  This page contains the link to the CO response to Frequently Asked Questions which were submitted by the CSU Chairs group on September 15th. 

Timeline and Input

The Ethnic Studies Council and Statewide Academic Senate of the CSU (ASCSU) will be consulting with the Chancellor's Office on revisions to the Learning Outcomes for the Ethnic Studies requirement next week (see Learning Outcomes in table below).  These groups have encouraged campuses to provide feedback/input on the Executive Order by October 29th.  The meeting next week is expected to result in some updates to the Learning Outcomes and those updates will be posted when we receive them.  We are providing a survey portal to CSUSM faculty to provide input on learning outcomes and on the guidelines provided by the Executive Order and FAQs. 
CSUSM Faculty interested in providing feedback should look for a link to the survey in an email from the Academic Senate Office dated 9/25/20 and another email dated October 9th.  If you are unable to find these emails,  contact the Senate Office.  As noted in the one-item survey, your response will be anonymous, unless you choose to share your name/title/department in the survey response.   Your feedback will be provided to the CSUSM Senate, your statewide Senators David Barsky and Michelle Ramos Pellicia, and to the Provost and the Committee he is sponsoring to work on this new requirement, chaired by Ranjeeta Basu, Interim Chief Diversity Officer.  This Committee will be providing more information in the coming days.  Our campus input will be shared with the Ethnic Studies Council, ASCSU, and Chancellor's Office through our campus' official response to the request outlined in the October 8th memo from EVC Blanchard.  We will be collected feedback on this survey until Thursday, October 29, 2020 and it was shared with the Chancellor's Office.  If you have already responded to our earlier survey request that addressed the Core Competencies specifically, please feel free to provide your additional feedback.

December 3rd:  The Chancellor's Office has released the new guidelines in its updated GE policy. This is hyperlinked in the table below.


Document Link
AB 1460, Weber. California State University: Graduation Requirement: Ethnic Studies AB 1460 Bill
Memo from Executive Vice Chancellor Loren J. Blanchard:  Chancellor's Office Implementation Plan and Timeline for AB 1460 Memorandum - September 10, 2020
CSU Chairs:  Request for Responses to Frequently Asked Questions CSU Chairs' Request for Answers to FAQ - Sepbember 15, 2020
ASCSU Resolution:  Recommeded Core Competencies for Ethnic Studies:  Response to California Education Code 89032C   AS-3438/AA
September 17-18, 2020
Memo from Assistant Vice Chancellor Leo Van Cleve:  Chancellor's Office Response to AS-3438-20/AA CO Response to AS-3438/AAA - September 19, 2020
Letter from CSU Council on Ethnic Studies to CSU Vice Chancellor Loren Blanchard and ASCSU Chair Robert Collins - Statement of Non-Collaborative Process Letter Re: Non-Collaborative Process - September 24, 2020
Email from ASCSU Chair Robert Keith Collins to CSU Senate Chairs - Re:  Consultation on AS-3438-20/AA   Email to Senate Chairs from ASCSU Chair Robert Keith Collins - September 25, 2020
Chancellor's Office Information about the Ethnic Studies Requirement CSU webpage - Ethnic Studies
Chancellor's Office Responses to FAQs about the Ethnic Studies Requirement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on AB 1460 (Ethnic Studies) and Education Code 89032 - September 29, 2020
CSUSM Academic Senate Resolution - In Opposition to CSU Chancellor's Proposed Implementation of AB 1460 AS 761-20 - Endorsed by CSUSM Academic Senate - 10/7/20
Memo of 10/8/20 from CSU Executive Vice Chancellor Loren J. Blanchard to CSU Presidents - Request for Campus Input on Proposed Revisions to the E.O. on CSU General Education Breadth (formerly EO 1100-Revised) 
DRAFT Proposed Changes to EO 1100-Revised - CSU GE Breadth Requirements
Memo EVP Blanchard to CSU Presidents - 10/8/20  

DRAFT Proposed Changes to EO 1100-Revised - 10/8/20
Message from the AB 1460 Communications Workgroup to Campus Community - Update on DRAFT Executive Order from CSU Chancellor's Office Update from AB 1460 Communications Workgroup - 10/12/20
Documents from Chancellor's Office Collaboration Meeting 10/14/20 - with ASCSU and CSU Council on Ethnic Studies - Revised Ethnic Studies Competencies

CO Presentation to CSU Ethnic Studies Council - 10/14/20

Core Competencies and Course Learning Objectives of Ethnic Studies Courses in the CSUs In Accordance with AB 1460

Summary of Discussion - CO, CSU Council on Ethnic Studies and ASCSU Collaborative Meetitng on the Ethnic Studies Requirement

ASCSU Resolution:  Opposition to the CSU Board of Trustees' Changes to Title 5 and CSU Chancellor's Office Proposal for Implementing AB 1460:  The Ethnic Studies Requirement

ASCSU Resolution 3452/20/Substitute - 11/5 and 11/6, 2020

Memo from Assistant Vice Chancellor Leo Van Cleve to ASCSU:  Chancellor's Office Response to AS-3460-20/AA (Re:  Core Competencies)

CO Response to ASCSU's Resolution  AS-3460-20/AA:  Recommended Core Competencies for Ethnic Studies:  Response to California Education Code 89032 - 11/11/20

Memo from Executive Vice Chancellor Loren J. Blanchard to CSU Presidents:  CSU General Eeducation Breadth Requirements Revised December 3, 2020

*This document provides information on implementation of AB 1460.

Revised Policy - CSU General Education Breadth requirements - Revised.  Supercedes EO 1100-Revised and incorporates changes required as a result of AB 1460.  Also updates some elements related to transfer and articulation. - 12/3/20

Memo from EVC Blanchard to CSU Presidents - 12/3/20 

ASCSU Resolution:  Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU) Opposition and Amendments to Title 5 Ethnic Studies Policy

ASCSU Resolution 2640-320/FA - 12/4/20

December ASCSU Action - Approved Resolution:   Accommodating Changes to GE in Transfer Model Curricula (TMC)

AS-2446-20/APEP (Rev) - Academic Senate of the CSU Resolution:  Accommodating Changes to GE in Transfer Model Curricula (TMC) - 12/4/20

December ASCSU Action - Approved Resolution:  The Need for Student Academic Records to Document the Governing Transfer Model Curricula for Associate Degrees for Transfer

AS-3448-20/APEP (Rev) - Academic Senate of the CSU Resolution:  The Need for Student Academic Records to Document the Governing Transfer Model Curricula for Associate Degrees for Transfer - 12/4/20

December ASCSU Action - Approved Resolution:  Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU) Opposition and Amendments to Title 5 Ethnic Studies Policy

AS-3462-20/FA - Academic Senate of the CSU Resolution:  Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU) Opposition and Amendments to Title 5 Ethnic Studies Policy - 12/4/20

Memo from CHABSS Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee to GEC Chair Karen Glover

Memo - EO 1100 Implementation of AB 1460 (Ethnic Studies Requirement) Recommendation #1 for AY 2021-22 - 12/7/20

Memo from Leo Van Cleve, CSU Assistant Vice Chancellor to Robert keith Collins, Cjhair ASCSU - Response to ASCSU Resolutions of 11/5-6, 2020

Memo - November 5--6, 2020:  AS-3452/Substitute; AS-3461-20/FA - 1/15/20

Memo from CHABSS Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee to GEC Chair Karen Glover

Memo - EO 1100 Implementation of AB 1460 (Ethnic Studies Requirement) Long-term Recommendation - 1/20/21

Campus Discussion

 The Provost has sponsored an AB 1460 Communications Workgroup. This group is charged with coordinating the flow of information about AB 1460 to ensure that the information is clear, timely and inclusive.  Chaired by Interim Chief Diversity Officer, Ranjeeta Basu, this group includes the following individuals/offices:  Michelle Holling (Ethnic Studies Steering Committee Chair), Joely Proudfit (American Indian Studies Chair), Elizabeth Matthews (Interim Dean, CHABSS), Regina Eisenbach (Dean, Academic Programs), Karen Glover (GEC Chair), and two student members.