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Assembly Bill 928

AB-928 is the Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021. The act adds Section 66749.8 of the Education Code, relating to postsecondary education; it establishes the Associate Degree for Transfer Intersegmental Implementation Committee (ADTIIC) which now serves as the primary entity charged with the oversight of the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT). It requires the ADTIIC, on or before December 21, 2023, to provide the Legislature with recommendations on certain issues impeding the scaling of the ADT and streamlining transfer across segments for students. It aims to establish a singular lower division general education (GE) pathway that meets the academic requirements necessary for transfer admission to the CSU and the UC system campuses by December 31, 2023.

"The bill requires the singular lower division GE pathway, commencing with the Fall term of the 25/26 academic year, to be the only lower division GE pathway used to determine eligibility and sufficient academic preparation for tansfer into CSU or UC campuses and to not lengthen the time-to-degree or include more units than those required under the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum on July 1, 2021" (Full Bill Text: AB-928).   

This webpage will be updated with information pertinent to implementation of AB 928 as it relates to GE within the CSU and, more specifically, as it affects the CSUSM campus community.  

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ASCSU Webinar - AB 928 - for CSU Faculty  ASCSU Webinar - 3/11/22
Assembly Bill 928 - Approved by Governor October 6, 2021 Text - Assembly Bill 928
California Education Code 66749.8 - Specific Change to CA ED Code - Effective 1/1/2022 Text - CA Ed Code
California State University System AB 928 Webpage CSU AB 928 Webpage
Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU) Faculty Information- AB 928 ASCSU AB 928 Info Page
Faculty Feedback Portal AB 928 - Open through March 2022 Link to Portal
Memo of December 16, 2021 - from Katherine Brown, Chair, Department of Communication, CSUSM, on behalf of the Faculty of the Department of Communication, CSUSM - to ASCSU Representative (Stanislaus) and CFA Political Action and Legislative Committee Chair Steven Filling; CFA Secretary (Fresno) Diane Blair;  and, Robert K. Collins, Chair, ASCSU - in support of preserving the Oral Communication transfer requirement for General Education. Link to Memo of 12/16/21
AB 928 Considerations Chart - Simplified version of GE pattern for transfer differences - Adapted from the Intersegmental Articulation Council. Link to Chart - adapted from CIAC - 1/31/22