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February 2013 Senate Synopsis

February 2013 Senate Meeting Highlights

Chair Jackie Trischman opened the fifth Academic Senate meeting of 2012-13 by: (1) reminding senators of President Haynes’ budget forum on Feb. 14; (2) urging senators to respond to the survey on Academic Affairs Restructuring; (3) informing senators that the Executive Committee passed a time-sensitive resolution endorsing CSU Fullerton’s statement in opposition to the removal of guidelines regarding General Education in the WASC Handbook on Accreditation; and (4) making several referrals to committees.

President Haynes and Interim Provost Oberem reported on system-wide and campus developments.  VP for Advancement Neal Hoss and AVP for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies presented updates on the work of their offices.    

In its major items of business, the Senate approved a university-wide Lecturer Evaluation Policy.  The Department Chair selection policy discussion was postponed to March due to a lack of time for careful deliberation.

Complete minutes of each Academic Senate meeting are available on the Senate website as soon as they are approved at the following Senate meeting.  The next Senate meeting is Wednesday, March 6, from 1-3 PM in COM 206.  You do not need to be a senator to attend Senate meetings.  All members of the campus community (students, faculty, staff, administrators) are welcome to attend.

Janet McDaniel, Secretary