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February 2013 Senate Synopsis

May 1, 2013 Senate Meeting Highlights

Chair Jackie Trischman opened the ninth and final Academic Senate meeting of 2012-13 with several announcements:  (1) The introduction of several newly elected senators for the 2013-14 academic year; (2) An update on the LAMP Committee, which will send a report to senators with a suggested program for long-range planning of new academic programs; (3) As a result of Chair Trischman and Vice Chair Bennett meeting with President Haynes and Interim Provost Oberem to discuss the restructuring survey, a summary including action items will be made public by the end of the academic year; (4) A report from President Haynes shows that three MPP positions were created and three were eliminated during the year; (5) CSUSM received two of the ten Extended Learning Commission grants from the Chancellors Office, funding programs in COBA and SOE; and (6) Thank you to ASCSU Senator Glen Brodowsky for arranging a visit of CSU Faculty Trustee Bernadette Cheyne to CSUSM this week.

The Senate approved many course and program change proposals.  In a voice vote, the Senate approved the following items:  (1) A call for a task force to study a grade minima policy for GE courses in the “Golden Four;” (2) SOE’s Dual Language Certificate; (3) SON’s Palliative Care Certificate; (4) COBA’s MBA “stackable” certificates; (5) Winter Intersession policy; (6) Resolution on priorities for classroom assignment; and (7) Changes to the Course Proposal “C” form.  In a particularly happy interlude, the Senate was pleased to honor retiring Professor Steven C. Welch for his contributions to CSUSM and its students, including his service as the first elected Senate chair in 1991-92.  A resolution of appreciation and good will was unanimously adopted.

The proposed resolution on the changes to structure and program of the Office of Community Service Learning was withdrawn after Executive Committee action.  A robust discussion ensued around President Haynes’ decision to share reporting lines and responsibilities for the OCSL faculty coordinator between Community Engagement and Academic Affairs.  Professor Darci Strother was warmly thanked by senators for her service as the OCSL director.  

Discussion items that were successfully moved to the Action item stage and then approved were:  (1) Revisions to the University RTP policy; and (2) SOE’s Global Teacher Studies and Preparation Certificate.    

Year-end reports from Senate committees were attached to the agenda and acknowledged.  They will be posted on the Senate website. 

Chair Trischman thanked the Senate for a productive year and passed the gavel to incoming Chair Vivienne Bennett.  New Chair Bennett led the Senate in expressing appreciation to Trischman for her exemplary service, and presented her with a parting gift from Senate along with flowers and a warm round of applause.  Chair Bennett then adjourned Senate for the year. 

Complete minutes of this Academic Senate meeting will be available on the Senate website as soon as they are approved by an email vote of the Senate.

Janet McDaniel, Secretary