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Beaumont Unified School District: ART=OPPORTUNITY provided Professional Development for teachers of Art Integration Strategies for TK-5 grade teachers, administrators, and staff

California Arts Council:

  • YAA - Youth Arts Action With support from the California Arts Council, Center ARTES a program at California State University San Marcos Corporation will expand the relationship with the SOULcial workers, by supporting the eight-week after school session of Camp AART (Attitudes, Awareness, and Relationships Training), to play a leadership role at the 3rd annual Arts Amplifying Youth – AAY! Summit led by youth for youth in April 2020.
  • RIA Research in the Arts. With support from the California Arts Council, California State University San Marcos Corp. on behalf of CSUSM Center ARTES will conduct two studies to expand on the research component of the Art=Opportunity Public Awareness project: first, to gauge the parent resonance and response to the program; and second, to conduct a mixed-method analysis of youth mentorship in the arts to better understand how training in arts leadership promotes civic engagement. 

Clare Rose Foundation - ART=OPPORTUNITY partners with Clare Rose Foundation on AAY! Arts Amplifying Youth! Summit and to support the leaders and organizations of the San Diego Creative Youth Development Network

San Diego County Supervisors (District 5) Community Enhancement Program – Arts Amplifying Youth! support for programming (Page 96) 

Panta Rhea Foundation – Support for ART=OPPORTUNITY Bootcamp and literacy residencies for in-service and preservice teachers. 

Stuart Foundation - major support for ART=OPPORTUNITY