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Calculus Placement Exam

The role of Disability Support Services (DSS) in the special testing accommodation process for the Calculus Placement Exam is to obtain the necessary disability documentation from the test applicant and to authorize appropriate accommodations.   

All test applicants who inquire about special testing accommodations should be referred to DSS.  The necessary paperwork is available below or can be sent via mail or email. Once the disability documentation is received, it will be evaluated to make a determination as to what accommodation(s) may be provided. If you are currently registered for services with DSS and have documentation on file, no further disability verification is required. Your DSS counselor will be able to sign off on the required paperwork.

Approved testing accommodations will be noted on the Authorized Special Testing Arrangements form, which will be emailed to Justin Lewis (or his designee).  A copy of the Authorized Special Testing Arrangements form and all documentation will be kept in a secure location. 

Once the Authorized Special Testing Arrangements form is sent to Justin Lewis, he will coordinate the implementation of the testing accommodations with the test applicant directly.  DSS will provide any required assistance with questions that may come up in regards to the actual implementation of special testing accommodations.

On an as needed basis, DSS will provide direct support when a sign language interpreter is required or access to additional special testing accommodation space is required. 

More information can be found on the  Calculus Placement Exam homepage.