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Fall 2023 Class Schedule

This course list is provided to assist students in planning their schedule and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Check the class schedule to confirm scheduling.

This course list is up-to-date through April 28 2023. There may be other courses available. Check the class schedule for information about these courses.

If the program becomes aware of additional courses offerings, they will be added to this list and the date last updated (above) will change.


Lower Division Courses

Course Title Time and Day
ENVS 100 Intro to Env Studies Thursday 1:00-3:50 PM
BIOL 105 Introduction to Biology/Ecology MW 5:30-6:45 PM
GEOG 110 Intro to Physical Geography TH 1-2:15 PM
ES 100 Earth and Its Place in the Universe Tues 9-10:15 AM/Thurs:Async
GES 101 Matter, Molecules, etc (8 Sections)  Asynchronous
GES 105  Introduction to Physical Science TR 9-10:15 AM
GEOG 120

Introduction to GIS

Section 1


Section 2



TR 9-10:15 AM

TU 2:30-5:15 PM

TR 10:30-11:45 AM

 Thursday 2:30-5:15 PM

GEOG 211 Introduction to Oceanography TR 4-5 PM


Upper Division Core

Course Title Time and Day
ENVS 301

Place, Power & The Enviroment

Section 1 (Dabb)

Section 2 (Valle)


TR 9-10:15 AM

TR 1-2 PM

ENVS 310 Environmental Impact Analysis TR 1-2:15 PM
CHEM 311 Chemicals and the Environment (Synchronous) Asynchronous
GEOG 310 Climate and Life in the Anthropocene TR 1-2:15 PM
PHIL 340

Ethics and the Environment

Section 1

Section 2 Hybrid

Section 3 Hybrid

Section 4



Async/Tu 2:30-3:45

Async/Tu 4-5:15


ENVS 490 Capstone in Env. Studies Wed 12:30-3:20 p.m


Upper Division Electives

Arts and Humanities Courses

Course Title Time and Day
AMD 313 

Digital Photo and the Environment


Activity (required)


TU 5-6:50 PM

TU 7-8:50 PM 

AMD 316

Art, Science & Technology

Section 1

Activity (Required)


WE 9:30-11:20 AM

WE 11:30-1:20 PM

ANTH 325 Ancient Mexican Society and Art TR 1-2:15 PM
ENVS 495 Internship in Environmental Studies (*ENVS 100) On Advisement
ENVS 498 Independent Study in Env Studies (*ENVS 100) On Advisement
HIST 340 Environmental History of the United States TU 5:30-8:20 PM
LTWR 346 U.S. Environmental Literature MW 7-8:15 PM


Social Sciences Courses

Course Title Time and Day
ANTH 370  Environment, Population and Culture TR 2:30-3:45 PM
ANTH 379 Environmental Health and Justice TR 2:30-3:45 PM
ANTH 430

Medical Ethnography

Required Activity

TU 4-5:50 PM

TU 6-&:50 PM

ECON 325 Economics of the Env. & Natural Resources WE 10:30-1:20 PM
ENVS 464 Food, Politics & Environment WED 8:30-11:20 am
ENVS 495 Internship in Environmental Studies (*ENVS 100) On Advisement
ENVS 498 Independent Study in Env Studies (*ENVS 100)  On Advisement
GEOG 307 Children and the Environment MWF 1:30-2:20 PM
GEOG 341

Nature and Society in California

Section 1:  Cooper

Section 2: Cooper

Section 3: Schultz In Person!


MWF 7:30-8:20AM

MWF 10:30-11:20 AM

TR 7-8:15 PM

GEOG 460 Food Systems and Emerging Markets  FRI 8:30-11:20 AM
SOC 439 Social Justice and the Environment Asynchronous
PSYC 338 Environmental Psychology MO 9:30-12:20 PM
WGSS 445 Gender and Development Asynchronous


Physical science courses

Course Title Time and Day
ASTR 342 Elements of Astronomy Asynchronous
BIOL 336 Coastal Environments MW 2:30-3:45 PM
BIOL 338 Human Impact on the Environment Asynchronous
CHEM 311 Chemicals and the Environment Asynchronous
GEOG 311 Earth: The Habitable Planet TBA
GEOG 350 Environmental Geography * MW 4-5:15 PM


* Needs course substitution but that’s easy. See Program Director or Instructor