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Passphrases & Duo Multi-factor Authentication Will Be Enforced Wednesday, Jan. 20th
Audiences: Faculty  Staff  Students 
Student enforcement of the password change requirement began on January 20th as planned. At that time there were over 11,400 students who had not changed their password.
IITS ran Zoom support sessions for six days, including Saturday and Sunday, to assist students through January 27th. 
For more information please see

As of 9:15 on Jan. 20th, passphrases and DUO (MFA) are enforced for all students, staff, and faculty and across all CSUSM systems.


If you require assistance with your passphrase or with Duo, please contact the IITS Help Desk.. 



On Wednesday, Jan. 20, if you haven’t created a new passphrase and set up DUO, you will be unable to access CSUSM systems and will have to contact the IITS Help Desk for assistance. 

If you have not yet enrolled in DUO, you will need to complete these steps prior to transitioning to a passphrase. 

Enrolling in DUO MFA 

Visit our DUO guide for instructions on how to enroll in DUO. 


Creating a Passphrase and Recovery Option

Setting up your passphrase is easy. The two-step process takes about 5 minutes.