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Navigation in OU Campus

What's New?

Editing multiple navigation files are now a thing of the past! So you no longer need to navigate to different levels of navigation files. All changes to the navigation will be done in one file.

Our campus navigation menus only display 4 levels of navigation.

This looks like:

  • /Top level seen at homepage  (Level 1)
    • /category - folder (Level 2)
        • /sub-category - sub-folder (Level 3)
            • /sub-sub-category folder (Level 4)

Caution: If you have a sub-sub-sub-category (5th level) folder your navigation won't display properly.

Updating a Site's Navigation

  1. Once finished adding files or pages (see Adding Files to OU guide and/or Adding Pages to OU guide) navigate to the _includes folder at the Site level (Level 1). Then, select on the _nav.pcf file and use the green "Edit Navigation" button.

  2. Type in the item(s) that need to be added to the navigation and link them as a regular hyperlink.
    Indent the bulleted list entry to correspond with the sub level of the folder. 

    Important: Make sure that all items shown in the navigation are spelled correctly and are linked in a bulleted list. Unlinked text or text outside of the bulleted list is not allowed and would break your menu display.

  3. Click the Save button in the WYSIWYG editor – this will save your changes as a development draft.

  4. Click Publish if the edits are ready to go live.

Deleting Items from a Navigation:

  1. Navigate to the _includes folder at the Site level (Level 1) and select the _nav.pcf file in OU Campus. Use the green "Edit Navigation" button.

  2. Delete the bulleted item(s) from the list.

  3. Click the Save button in the WYSIWYG editor – this will save your changes as a development draft.

  4. Click Publish if the edits are ready to go live.

Top/Horizontal Navigation:

If your department website uses the top horizontal navigation bar (enabled by the Web Team), there are a few more edit options to maintain the navigation structure. You still edit the same _includes/_nav.pcf file as a bulleted list, but there are some style classes to use on links.

Top Sections

Site level (Level 1) items that you want to show in the top bar need to have "top-section section" as a custom class on the link, and the link itself either goes to a folder index.pcf page or can be empty by using a "#" symbol.

Note that items can remain at Site level (Level 1) and not receive this class if you want them to show up in a left-hand navigation but not take up the space in the top bar (this is common for items like "For Faculty/Staff" or "Events").

navigation with top-section section class on a link

Sub Sections

Large/Distinct sections within a top section might warrant their own stand-alone navigation view in the left-hand navigation so they don't get lost in a large menu structure. These are typically at the Site level (Level 2) indent but can be at a lower level. A typical case might be for a structure like "Degree Options" (a top-section section) that contains "Graduate Programs" and "Undergraduate Programs" (these are level 2 sub-sections) which can receive a class of "section". 

navigation with section class on a link

Need help?

If you are having difficulties with any edits on your page(s), suspect a process is taking too long, or encounter an issue not covered in this guide, please contact 

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