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Student Loan Repayment

CSUSM participates in a variety of student loan programs, including federal and private.

Repayment of most student loans begins after a 9 month grace period, once the student (borrower) graduates, leaves school, or drops below half-time enrollment. While payments can be made while in the grace period, it is not required, nor does interest accrue during that time.  

CSUSM contracts with Heartland ECSI for the billing and collection of many student loans (including Kaiser, Noyce and Dream Loans).

Borrowers should anticipate communications from Heartland ECSI during the grace period, regarding their loan repayment, and therefore, should ensure that CSUSM has all current contact information on file.

Please note: Private alternative loans through commercial lenders are paid through the lender, and cannot be consolidated with federal loans. Borrowers should contact the lender directly for information regarding repayment.

Exit Counseling

Upon graduating, leaving school, or dropping below half-time enrollment, Heartland ECSI will provide information as to how they can access the exit counseling, which will orient the borrower with the repayment process.  Exit counseling occurs in an online format, and should be completed prior to starting repayment of any loan.


Repayment of student loans will be through Heartland ECSI, not CSUSM, and will receive billing, and make payments, through them:

Heartland ECSI
School Code: 1R
(888) 549-3274 

Payments by Mail:

California State University San Marcos
c/o Educational Computer
Systems, Inc.
PO Box 718
Wexford, PA  15090