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Telecommuter Ergonomics


  • Similar to the campus/on-site workstation procedure, employees who perform their duties at home begin this process after identifying the need to improve their physical posture.
  • CSUSM’s consultation process was developed in a manner to address ways that could help employees prevent or mitigate ergonomic problems within their home office environment.

Virtual Ergonomic Consultations

To assist CSUSM employees to accomplish their duties in a safe working environment, SH&S performs virtual online consultations:

  • Virutal consultations are scheduled on a time/day that is acceptable to both the employee and evaluator.
  • Employees are provided with an email summary, which addresses the ergonomic issues identified.
  • Employees are encouraged to discuss the observations, recommendations/suggestions identified with their supervisor.

Employees desiring a virtual consultation to enhance/improve their home office environment may take the following steps: