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Online Training (Campus Step 1)

NOTICE: Cougar Workstation Ergonomics online training is currently under revision and therefore unavailable. Please take the Telecommuting and Home Office Ergonomics training instead (even for on-campus workstations).

Cougar Workstation Ergonomics (CWE) is an online training that enables employees to perform a self-assessment of their office workstation. The process takes approximately 20-35 minutes and should be done at the employee’s normal place of work. Use the following instructions to begin:

  1. Log into LearnerWeb using your campus username and password.
  2. Select the Course Search tab located near the upper left side of the screen.
  3. Open the Safety drop down on the left side menu.
  4. Locate Cougar Workstation Ergonomics or click on the Occupational Health subcategory and click the Cougar Workstation Ergonomics training.
  5. Click on the "Launch" button commence the training.
  6. If the training does not open, the pop-up blocker may need to be disabled and the training relaunched (contact SH&S for assistance).
  7. Complete each item in the Status Panel located near the upper right side of the screen.

If discomfort persists after utilizing the suggestions from the training, continue to Campus Step 2: Ergonomic Evaluation.