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Success Coaching Model

Success coaching is focused on guiding students as they move closer to achieving their academic dreams; while maintaining a healthy school and life balance. It connects recruitment, engagement, active learning, and student success.

Success coaching is about the individual student and provides an opportunity for students to develop a sense of self-awareness, make self-discoveries, form a sense of belonging, develop critical thinking and decision making skills and competencies, and focus on participating in new possibilities and options as they move towards achieving set goals and objectives.

Stage Focus Stage Description
Desired Goal The coaching process begins with a focus on identifying the desired goal(s) of the student.
Self-Discovery Movement towards the goal(s) happens as the student is guided towards exploring all factors that influence their thinking and decision-making process. A needs assessment is completed to identify gaps and pinpoint how the student frames and processes information. During this process, students will be guided to recognize how patterns and themes emerge that influence their decision-making process.
Goal Setting The success coach and the student develop an outline that identifies specific goals they wish to accomplish.
Action Plan A step-by-step plan is developed to move the student toward achieving each goal established. A contract is signed to solidify the agreed upon terms.
Action Plan Assessment Throughout the semester, the success coach and student will meet to review the action plan. The coach and student will determine the progress and make adjustments as needed to help the student remain on track to achieve success.
Goal Achievement Student celebrations! The student has successfully reached goal achievement.

The success coaching model assists students with learning how to become independent and empowered. Further supporting the idea that, with guidance, they can learn to become directly responsible for their own success; thereby providing them with critical competencies and skills need to become successful.