Events, Tabling, & 25Live
Welcome to the Student Organization Event Planning site at California State University San Marcos! Included on this page are several resources to help you plan successful events for your student organization.
The SLIC team is dedicated to supporting student-driven events that provide an interactive learning environment for students. If you have any questions or would like additional support with the event-planning process, feel free to contact your organization's SLIC Coordinator listed at the bottom of the page. We look forward to planning with you!
For detailed event planning instructions, start by referring to the Student Org Handbook.
Campus Space Reservations (25Live)
- Tutorials & Resources
- Overview of campus space reservations for student orgs
- Campus Event Planning & 25Live Training Video
- 25Live Event Request Tutorial
- 25Live Reminders & Tips
- Campus Event Scheduling Timeline
- Tips for publishing 25Live events to campus calendars
- Additional 25Live Support
- Detailed campus event policies & procedures
- USU pricing sheet
- How to find your 25Live login credentials
To make a reservation for your student organization on 25Live, you will use a username and password that has been created for your organization. You will not use your personal CSUSM credentials to log in. Follow these steps to find your org's login credentials:
- Go to the Tukwut Trax home page (it is recommended to do this on a computer with your browser window in full screen)
- Click the person icon in the top right corner and select login, then enter your CSUSM credentials
- When the page reloads, click the person icon again and select Admin Dashboard
- Select Organizations from the menu on the left
- Find your org on the list and click on it. This will take you to your Organization Details page.
- When the page loads, scroll down until you see a box titled Student Org Account Information. You’ll find your org's username and password there.
- If you are unable to access the Admin Dashboard or your org's credentials are missing, please contact studentorg@csusm.edu.
- These tutorials will show you how to log in to and navigate the Admin Dashboard:
Events with Food
For detailed policies and instructions on events with food, please refer to the Student Org Handbook.
- Food Safety Policies and Information
- To ensure the public does not become ill from a food event on campus, a Temporary Food Facility Permit is required for public events where food is sold or given away.
- Exception: Internal meetings and invitation-only events are generally excluded from these requirements because they are considered private events.
- A valid Food Handlers Certification is required for all students setting up or serving food.
- For additional information and details on food safety, please refer to the CSUSM Food Safety website.
- To ensure the public does not become ill from a food event on campus, a Temporary Food Facility Permit is required for public events where food is sold or given away.
- Purchasing Food for Events
- Student organizations may use organization funds to purchase food for meetings and events. Visit the ASI Student Org Account Services page for more information about how to utilize your organization funds.
- If your organization is planning to spend more than $250 on food for your event, you
must first submit a catering request to Sodexo. Sodexo will approve or deny your request depending on their availability.
- If your request is approved, Sodexo will send instructions for submitting an order.
- If your request is denied, you may order from another approved caterer or purchase food from another off-campus vendor and bring it to your event.
- If your organization is not planning to spend more than $250 on food for your event, you may order from another approved caterer or purchase food from another off-campus vendor and bring it to your event.
Hosting Guests
Guest Speakers, Performers, and Vendors
All visiting speakers, performers, and vendors must submit a signed Indemnification Form prior to coming to campus for an event. A representative of the student organization can initiate the form online. To start an Indemnification Form, follow the instructions below.
- How to initiate an Indemnification Form
- To start your Indemnification Form, visit the Workflow Selector page and select Indemnification and Hold Harmless from Liability from the dropdown menu. Then hit the Select button at the bottom of the page.
- Enter your CSUSM email in the Requestor field.
- Enter the name of your guest in the Presenter field.
- Update the Document Name field to include the name of your org and event.
- You will then receive an email with a link to the Indemnification Form. Click the link in the email and follow the instructions to sign in to AdobeSign with your CSUSM email and password.
- Follow the prompts to fill out the form, and then click sign. This will send an email to your guest, asking them to sign the form.
- You will receive an email notification when the form is signed and completed.
Guest Parking Permits
Student Organizations can request a free guest parking permit for guest speakers, performers, or vendors who are coming to campus. To request a guest parking permit, follow the instructions below.
- How to request a guest parking permit
- Obtain a signed Indemnification Form from each guest (see above for instructions on initiating an Indemnification Form).
- Submit a 25Live reservation for your event and wait for confirmation from Event & Conference Services.
- If your reservation is already confirmed, you can skip this step.
- Submit a Student Org Guest Parking Permit Request Form.
- Remember: Before submitting this form, your organization must have a confirmed 25Live reservation and a completed Indemnification Form signed by each guest.
- In order to receive a permit, the Parking Permit Request Form must be submitted at least one week/5 business days in advance. Requests submitted less than 1 week/5 business days in advance will be accepted, but are not guaranteed.
- Student Orgs may request a maximum of two (2) permits per day. Permits are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Off-Campus Community Members & Minors
For events involving off-campus community members (anyone who is not a CSUSM student, staff member, or faculty member) or minors, see below for further instructions.
- Off-Campus Community Members
- Any organization hosting members of the off-campus community (individuals who are not CSUSM students, faculty, or staff) at an on-campus event are encouraged to require guests to sign a CSUSM Release of Liability Waiver.
- Print as many copies as you need, and make sure to fill in your event information at the top.
- Events with Minors
- There are additional considerations and responsibilities that must be managed when planning events that include participation of minors (individuals under the age of 18 who are not CSUSM students).
- Please consult with your SLIC Coordinator (see bottom of this page) to determine whether indemnification forms, liability waivers, permission slips, guardian attendance, additional training, or special event insurance will be required.
Risk Management
Any student organization hosting an event involving the following activities should consult with their SLIC coordinator (see bottom of this page) to discuss an appropriate risk management plan.
- Alcohol
- Animals
- Concerts, performances, or competitions
- Cooking or preparing your own food
- Fire, grills/barbecues, open flame
- Fireworks
- Motorized equipment or vehicles
- Physical activity (sports, dance contests, games, etc.)
- Rides, bounce houses, obstacle courses, inflatables, climbing towers, etc.
- Water-based activities
- High attendance events
- General public is invited
- Minors will be present
- High profile attendees or speakers
- Off-campus entertainers/vendors will be present
Other Campus Event Policies
- CSU Executive Order 966: Alcohol Sales and Advertising Policy
- CSUSM Policy on Public Assembly
If you have any questions regarding event planning, don't hesitate to contact your organization's SLIC Coordinator:
Organization Category | SLIC Coordinator | |
Academic, Cultural, Honor Societies, Political Religious, Recreational, Service, Special Interest, Sport Clubs | Tyler Vuillemot, Coordinator of Student Involvement | tvuillemot@csusm.edu |
Fraternities & Sororities | Cristian McGough, Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life | cmcgough@csusm.edu |