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CSUSM's Jazz Ensemble

Announcing the NEW MUSIC MAJOR

  • A curriculum designed for maximum flexibility
  • Learn in a state-of-the-art Music Lab
  • Small class sizes, access to excellent faculty
  • Study music in the context of an exciting liberal arts education
  • Participate in various music ensembles
  • Advanced music technology
  • Exposure to world music cultures

Program Features:

  • Students receive a foundation in solid traditional training as well as exposure to advanced music technology and world music cultures.
  • Our curriculum is designed with maximum flexibility, allowing students to create their own courses of study, with advisement by a faculty mentor. 

  • Music majors may emphasize one of several areas, which include the following:
, Music technology (music technology students present their work through digital media or on the web), Composition
, World music
, or a combination of these.  

  • After completing a core of lower-division courses, students focus on their preferences in upper-division work. 

  • Students create a senior capstone project of their own design that highlights the skills learned in the major.
  • Students in our program participate in ensembles, which include:

    • Concert band

    • Vocal ensemble 

    • Jazz ensemble

    • Indonesian gamelan ensemble

    • And other group or class performances