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Reviewing and Enhancing Title IX at CSUSM

In fall 2021, President Ellen Neufeldt announced steps that CSUSM would take to prevent and respond to sexual harassment. These steps included forming a Sexual Harassment Task Force, participating in NASPA's Culture of Respect Self Study, and working with an external reviewer (TNG) to audit university Title IX processes. Additionally, in June 2022, Interim CSU Chancellor Jolene Koester announced that each of the 23 campuses in the system would also go through an independent assessment of Title IX processes with the firm Cozen O'Connor. 

Learn more about these efforts at these weblinks:

CSUSM Sexual Harassment Task Force CSUSM Title IX Review (TNG)  CSU Title IX Review (Cozen O'Connor)


Progress To Date

Implementation of Cozen O'Connor Recommendations

Last winter, CSUSM submitted a CSUSM TIX and DHR Recommendations Implementation Plan to address the recommendations for improvement outlined in the Cozen O’Connor report. The Chancellor’s Office approved this plan in June 2024, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to create a safe and supportive campus environment. This plan will serve as a roadmap for continued improvements in this important area.

Hosted "Let's Talk" Campuswide Title IX/DHR Town Hall Forum with President Neufeldt, November 7, 2023.

Hosted Stakeholder "Lunch and Chat" Sessions with Title IX Implementation Team Representatives

  • Student "Lunch and Chat" session with ASI VP of Student & University Affairs Jason Cadiz and Vice President for Student Affairs Viridiana Diaz, November 16, 2023.
  • Faculty "Lunch and Chat" session with Dr. Ranjeeta Basu, November 28, 2023.
  • Staff "Lunch and Chat" session with Vanessa Vincent, November 29, 2023.

Campus Forum on Title IX at CSUSM

The CSUSM Title IX Implementation Team hosted a campus forum for students, faculty, and staff to review the comprehensive plan and to address questions from the campus community. View recording.

Establishing a Stand-alone Assistant Vice President of Title IX/DHR Position

A key common recommendation from the Culture of Respect Self-Assessment, President’s Task Force on Sexual Harassment, the TNG Title IX review, and the Cozen O’Connor systemwide assessment was to hire a stand-alone assistant vice president for Title IX/DHR. Although a Spring 2024 national searched failed to yield a successful candidate the campus continues to prioritize efforts to fill this vital role.  

Enhanced Reporting Structure

We have established a new reporting structure for Title IX/DHR. In addition to reporting to the vice president for Student Affairs, Title IX/DHR now has a direct reporting line to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, as well as to Human Resources. This enhanced structure is designed to improve communication and decision-making across the university.

 Title IX/DHR Office Staffing Review

We recently conducted a staffing review of the Title IX/DHR Office to ensure that key functions are appropriately supported. As a result, we are reassigning existing positions and adjusting roles to streamline operations and ensure compliance with state, federal, and system requirements.

Standardized Incident Reporting Process for Conduct of Concern

We have established clear procedures for consistently referring incident reports related to Other Conduct of Concern. This standardization streamlines the reporting process and ensures prompt, appropriate responses, supporting our campus culture of care and respect. 

Formation of Multidisciplinary Title IX Implementation Team

In summer 2023 President Neufeldt established a Multidisciplinary Title IX Implementation Team dedicated to working collaboratively with our campus community to design and implement internal structures and practices to address the opportunities for improvement contained in the recommendations from the various reports. The team's primary goals are to identify efficiencies and inefficiencies, while prioritizing timeliness and communication. This collaborative approach ensures a comprehensive and holistic method for addressing campus issues.

The implementation team includes:

  • Dr. Bridget Blanshan (Chair) - Associate Vice President, Student Affairs & Title IX Coordinator
  • Dr. Ranjeeta Basu - Professor of Economics and CSUSM Sexual Harassment Taskforce Co-Chair (faculty representative)
  • Justin Cadiz - 2023-2024 ASI VP of Student & University Affairs (student representative)
  • Dr. Viridiana Diaz - Vice President, Student Affairs
  • Dr. Sarah Villarreal - Chief of Staff, Office of the President
  • Vanessa Vincent - Administrative Analyst, Financial Services - Extended Learning (staff representative)

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