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Checking In Checked Out Pages

What are checked out pages?

OU Campus only allows one person at a time to edit page content. When a page or file is checked out to a user, no other users can enter the pages and make changes until the file has been checked back in. A Web Team administrator can override this and manually check pages back in that are checked out, but doing so will cancel any unsaved changes to the page. 

Pages should be checked in as soon as possible to allow other users to edit the page contents. Any time that the Main Content editing button is clicked the page stays checked out to that user until the user:

  • Publishes the page
  • Checks the page back into the system by clicking on the lit (yellow) light bulb

How do I check in checked out pages?

The easiest way to check in pages is to do the following:

  1. Log in to OU Campus (this can be done from any page)
  2. Click the Dashboard button at the top of the page
  3. In the My Checked-Out Content box, click the Lightbulb icon(s).
  4. Once the Lightbulb icon is clicked the page will be checked in and allow other users to make edits.

Web Team Check In Policy

The Web Team will automatically check in pages that are older than a week. 

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