Your  Account:

General OU Campus Information


Complete the readings below. When you are finished, click the link at the bottom of the page to jump to the next module.

Section Overview

Web Content Best Practices

Helping pave the way for consistent CSUSM webpages. Learn about how many spaces should be after a sentence, making proper link names, and what to do with posting flyers.

User Types

Depending on your role on campus your permissions in OU Campus will be different. Staff/Faculty have more permissions than students by default.

Logging in 

How to Log in to OU Campus to make site and page edits.

Checking Pages In and Out

How to check in and out page content to allow other people to edit pages you have interacted with.


Webpage Accessibility Evaluations:

All campus web pages must be created with accessible materials in accordance with federal and state laws, along with the CSU Chancellor's Office Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) rulings. All content owners are required to be familiar with web accessibility practices and create content that meets campus guidelines.

Web evaluations are conducted to report problems regarding the accessibility and usability of web applications within the CSUSM web environment. Page content testing happens on a monthly basis and testing is done on individual department web sites; if issues are identified, page edits may be made for you or an email may be sent out notifying of the issues by the ATI Coordinator.

Key accessibility features include:

  • Descriptive link text (should be able to read a link and know where it is going to without reading the rest of the sentence).
  • Alternative text descriptions on all images. These must be meaningful. Please do not put "image".
  • Not using text-heavy images on a page. Instead add the content as regular text or upload as an OCR scanned PDF.
  • Structural markup to identify headings and lists.
  • Association of all data cells in a data table with column and row headers.
  • Sites that working with or without Style Sheets used to enhance the appearance of sites.

If assistance is needed on creating an accessible website, please email and someone from the accessibility team will assist. Learn more about CSUSM's Accessibility requirements.

Intro to Accessibility PPT 

Next Module

Creating Pages or Folders