Parking Information
Visitors and Guests to CSU San Marcos have choices for parking. A parking permit is required at all times while parked on campus. For questions, please call Parking and Commuter Services at: 760.750.7500 or email: parking@csusm.edu
- Visitors may purchase a permit online, from any parking permit pay station, or electronically via PayByPhone.
Online: www.csusm.edu/parking
- All Day permit: $9
Yellow & Blue Parking Permit Pay Stations
Pay Stations are located in parking lots B, C, F, K, N, and the Parking Structure (PS1).
- All Day permit: $9
- 4 hour permit: $6
- 2 hour permit: $4
Pay stations accept 1's, 5's, and quarters.
Daily permits should be displayed face up on the dash board of the vehicle so they are clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle; the date and time information should be displayed and clearly visible from outside of the vehicle. A citation may be issued if the permit is not properly displayed.
PayByPhone (electronic permit)*
- All Day permit: $9
- 4 hour permit: $6
- 3 hour permit: $5
- 2 hour permit: $4
*Elect to receive expiration reminders and extend time if needed.
- Visitors may utilize parking meters located in lots C and E. Cost of the parking meters are $1.50 per half hour.
- Visitors and guests may park in any timed zone such as 15 or 30 minute zones.
Driving and Parking Alternative: Mass Transit...