About Blake Beecher, PhD, LCSW, MSW
Dr. Blake Beecher is Chair of the Department of Social Work at Cal State San Marcos and received his MSW from The University of Nevada, Reno and his PhD. from the University of Utah. He is licensed as a clinical social worker (LCSW), and worked with diverse individuals, families, and groups in mental/behavioral health, addictions, child welfare, aging, and in healthcare settings. He has administrative and leadership experience both as a social work practitioner and in academia, and has completed various leadership trainings, including the Harvard Management Development Program. Dr. Beecher has served as the Principal Investigator (PI) of several grants and is currently the PI of the CSUSM Title IV-E Child Welfare Stipend Program. His ongoing community engagement research in behavioral health is designed to improve the well-being of at-risk and vulnerable populations. Recent research projects include: trauma and resilience of MSW students, awareness of problem gambling with child welfare workers, social service provider’s perceptions of gambling among older adults, needs assessment of rural behavioral health agencies, and an evaluation of a treatment mall in a state psychiatric hospital.