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Matt Schubert, PhD

Matt Schubert, PhD profile picture
Assistant Professor CEHHS Kinesiology
(760) 750-7362 University Hall 326
Hours: Monday 10:00-11:00am

About Matt Schubert, PhD

Welcome to my webpage. I am an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology.  I attended CSUSM for my undergrad and majored in Kinesiology. It was during this time that I was exposed to research in exercise physiology and have not stopped since.

My research interests are varied, but my research is anchored in my belief that I want to be able to apply my results to broader populations. I want to be able to talk to a stranger about what I do and have it make sense to them.

I approach every class I teach by asking the question "What do the students need to walk out of my class knowing?".  This tenant drives how I structure my classes, and I try to fill them with as much practical knowledge and work as possible, including projects and research opportunities.

 Please take some time to explore my page, drop me a follow on Twitter (@mmschube) and thank you for visiting!

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  • Post-doctoral fellow - Energy balance and weight management, Center for Physical Activity and Weight Management, University of Kansas Medical Center, 2014-2015
  • Ph.D. - Exercise, nutrition, and metabolism, Grifith University (Australia), 2014
  • M.A. - Kinesiology (Exercise Physiology), California State University Chico, 2011
  • B.S. - Kinesiology (Applied Exercise Science), California State University San Marcos, 2009

My interest in exercise physiology goes back to my time as a high school distance runner. I have always been interested in performance. After obtaining my BS degree from CSUSM, I had the opportunity to pursue a master's degree while working as a graduate assistant coach at CSU Chico.  Chico State has one of the strongest traditions of cross country and distance running excellence in Division 2, and it was a great experience to work with such a program. I also became interested in research at this time, and my master's thesis examined the influence of "energy shots" on 5k time trial performance in trained runners.

However, as I finished my master's at the height of the recession, college coaching jobs were hard to come by. Additionally, I realized I did not want to spend the majority of my time recruiting. So I had the opportunity to return to CSUSM as a research assistant. I explored PhD options in the US, UK, and Australia. I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship to earn a PhD in the latter, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. My PhD combined my and my mentor's work on caffeine with my burgeoning interest in appetite and energy balance.

After my PhD, I returned to the US for post-doctoral training in clinical trials, large multi-site studies, and weight management. This intensive 15 month experience was informative and beneficial, but I missed working with students and teaching.  So I moved from Kansas to Alabama, where I started my first full-time, tenure-track faculty position.  It was a rewarding experience and I had many opportunities to collaborate with graduate and undergraduate students through my teaching and research.

I eventually knew I wanted to return to California, and the expansion of the CSUSM Department of Kinesiology afforded me that great opportunity in the fall of 2017.

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My research interests are rather broad. At my core, I am an applied human physiologist. My training centered on human energy balance.  That is, the relationship between calories in (through diet) and calories out (through physical activity). I am also interested in sport and exercise nutrition, exercise-nutrition interactions, and exercise psychobiology. Other topics of current interest include high-intensity functional training (CrossFit, boot camp, Obstacle Course racing, etc.) and yoga as alternative exercsie therapies. Potential masters' or internship students should e-mail me to discuss potential research opportunities. For more information on my current and prior research, visit my ResearchGate or Google Scholar profiles.

Current projects include:

  • Predictors of Obstacle Course Racing Success

Current graduate student research includes:

  • Sled-push training and performance in male soccer players
  • Physical characteristics, energy balance, and dietary habits in vegan/vegetarian strength athletes when compared with omnivores
  • Physiological demands of snowboarding: a field study
  • Heart rate and blood pressure responses during pre-natal yoga

Future research/funding opportunities include:

  • Is there a role for the endocannabinoids in exercise-induced appetite suppression?
  • Energy balance, fitness, and body composition during the college years
  • Influence of a yoga intervention on blood glucose control (in Type 2 diabetes and pregnancy)

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My teaching philosophy is centered on designing the content to cover what students absolutely need to know in order to succeed in their chosen career path. This means not always covering every chapter in a textbook, or going all the way into the nitty-gritty of a subject. Rather than ask my students to memorize-test-forget, I want them to be able to apply what they learn to real situations. This supports my belief that I want my students to graduate as well-rounded and trained individuals, ready to excel in their chosen profession.

  • KINE 326 - Introductory Exercise Physiology
  • KINE 336 - Nutrition for Health and Exercise Performance
  • KINE 406 - Stress Testing and Exercise Prescription
  • KINE 426 - Exercise Physiology for Special Populations

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Organizations we've requested to part with money:

  1. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases - Changes in energy balance and cardiometabolic health in first-generation minority college students during and after the transition to higher education
    1. Discussed, awaiting advisory council decision.
    2. $287,465 requested
  2. American College of Sports Medicine Foundation Research Endowment Award - Is there a role for the endocannabinoid system in post-exercise appetite suppression?
    1. Submitted January 2019.
    2. $10,000 requested
  3. TBD grant on pre-natal yoga and maternal/offspring health
  4. TBD grant for high-intensity functional training research laboratory (equipment)

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