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Social Mobility Symposium

Social Mobility Symposium

Social Mobility Symposium

Thursday, Oct. 5 & Friday, Oct. 6, 2023
at California State University San Marcos

The 2023 national Social Mobility Symposium is your chance to connect with colleagues from around the country to share new ideas and explore innovative ways of serving students while also partnering with external community stakeholders.

Behavioral Health Pre-Symposium co-presented with the Burnham Center for Community Advancement on Wednesday, Oct. 4.

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED - please email if you are interested in being placed on the waiting list.

 Venue Details Restaurant Guide

Presidents panel on stage in front of audience
Making an Impact, Together
By leveraging the collective expertise and experiences of attendees, this symposium will inspire fresh perspectives and creative new ways of achieving student success, leading to social mobility and economic prosperity for all.

Join Us at Cal State San Marcos

The 2023 national Social Mobility Symposium will be held on the beautiful campus of California State University San Marcos, University Student Union

333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096

Travel & Lodging


 Catalyst Sponsor

North City


 Innovation Sponsor

College Futures Foundation


Funding also provided by:

The Stone Brewing Fund for Social Mobility at CSUSM


Sponsorship Opportunities