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Educational Resources

My Undocumented Life Blog

We provide up-to-date information and resources to undocumented immigrants. We post scholarship opportunities that are open to undocumented students, strategies for navigating the educational system, information on how to apply for DACA/Advanced Parole, news on DAPA, personal stories of growing up undocumented, and much more.

San Diego Dream Team (SDDT)

The SDDT is an immigrant youth-led organization in San Diego that works to pass policies that can improve the living conditions of immigrants. The SDDT organizes a series of community events, including DACA workshops, ‘know your rights’ events, and more. 

DREAM Educational Empowerment Program (DEEP)

DEEP seeks to lay the groundwork that advances the educational justice movement in the U.S. by focusing resources and research on the needs and realities of immigrant students in order to increase educational attainment rates. Resources provided by DEEP include: “DACA Guide for Teachers”, “Tuition Equity Map”, “Just Ask! Which College Is Right for You?”, “Graduate! A Financial Aid Guide to Success”, and much more!

Immigrants Rising (former Educators For Fair Consideration) 

Immigrants Rising Offers an array of programs and services that holistically address the needs of undocumented young people through direct support, leadership and career development, community outreach and education, creative expression, and advocacy. Immigrants Rising has a number of guides, including: “DACA Guide”, “Got DACA? Now What?”, scholarships lists, educator guides, and more! 

Graduates Reaching a Dream Deferred- (Southern/Northern CA) 

GRADD was founded by undocumented graduate students and Labor Center interns in 2010 to address the needs of immigrant students interested in pursuing graduate education. GRADD works to establish a national network of students, faculty members, and community leaders dedicated to bringing resources and attention to this underserved student population. Through the creation of an inclusive and safe environment, GRADD works to reassure students that their academic and professional goals are achievable. 

Pre-Health Dreamers

The online organization provides resources such as career pathway charts, scholarship information, and internships, for undocumented youth who aspire to have careers in the science and health fields. Advice about the pathways to graduate school, including nursing and medical school, are featured in the website. 

The Dream.Us

This organization provides scholarships for undocumented students pursuing a college education nationwide.