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The Cross-Cultural Center, in collaboration with the Student Life Centers for Identity, Inclusion, and Empowerment, Ethnic Studies, Office of Inclusive Excellence, and ASI are hosting the Social Justice Symposium. The Social Justice Symposium provides a space for students, faculty, and community members to engage in as well as facilitate social justice dialogue at California State University San Marcos.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 & Wednesday, February 28, 2024 (USU Ballroom) from 10 am - 2 pm

Wheel Chair User Sign Language Interpretation Vision Impaired accomodations

Individuals with disabilities, who would like to attend this event, please contact the Cross Cultural Center at or by calling (760) 750-4958 regarding any special accommodation needs. It is requested that individuals requiring auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters and alternative format materials notify the event sponsor at least seven working days in advance. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner.