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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Peer Mentoring Program?

The primary purpose of the Peer Mentoring Program is to increase the retention rate of minority and underrepresented college students who are the first in their family to attend college. When you begin your journey at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM), we want to see you graduate.
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Who is eligible?

Incoming first-year students who are

  • First in immediate family to attend college
  • Not a Transfer student
  • Not paticipating in any other CSUSM specialized programs

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What are the benefits for mentees?

First-year students who participate in the Peer Mentoring Program will be able to

  • Describe how they are connected to the campus
  • Use the resources available to be successful at CSUSM
  • Explain effective strategies for achieving personal goals
  • Examine personal identity and develop a greater understanding of self

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How long is the program?

The Peer Mentoring Program begins as soon as you are accepted into the program until the end of the Fall semester. Although your formal relationship with your mentor is only for the semester, we encourage you to stay in touch with your mentor for the duration of your time at CSUSM.
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How does the process work for pairing mentors and mentees?

We interview and provide training for Peer Mentors. After getting to know the Peer Mentors and reviewing Peer Mentee applications, we match mentors with mentees based on a variety of factors including identities, needs, and similar interests. Therefore, it is important to spend time on your Peer Mentee application and share with us who you are and what you are looking for in a mentor.
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What is the time commitment?

We want to ensure a successful outcome during the first-year and so the following are mandatory:

  • Welcome BBQ - Wednesday, August 31, 2016; 4:00PM-7:00PM
  • Participate in meetings/workshops throughout the Fall semester (Wednesdays; 4:00PM-5:00PM)
  • Semester-End Celebration - Wednesday, December 7, 2016; 4:00PM-6:00PM

The follwing are suggested:

  • Attending Weeks of Welcome events with your mentor
  • Check-in meetings (as needed/called on by program staff)

We require mentees and mentors to have face-to-face contact a minimum of 10 hours during the semester. Having meetings, attending campus events with each other, or visiting a center that provides resources count as contact. However you make this relationship your own and can meet more frequently. Remember, what you get out of your mentee/mentor relationship is also what you put into it!
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What are expectations of mentees?
  • Respond to communication from your mentor and the program staff in a timely manner
  • Be open and willing to learn
  • Be flexible
  • Utilize Peer Mentors by tapping into their knowledge, passion, and experience
  • Be honest about your experiences on campus
  • Provide feedback of your mentor and the program!

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What is the deadline for applying?

The deadline for completing the on-line application is June 30, 2016 by 11:59PM.
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When do I know if I am accepted into the program?

Notifications will be sent via email in early August about status in the program after being reviewed by the selection committee.
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If you have any additional questions, please contact the Peer Mentoring Program.