About Deanna Schmidt
Deanna Schmidt (Asakawa) is an assistant professor in Kinesiology.
Dr. Schmidt did her undergraduate work in Engineering Mechanics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, her Master’s work in Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University, and her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. Her research interests include biomechanics, motor control, human computer interaction, imaging of muscle, and simulation of musculoskeletal mechanics. Recent projects span topics including kinematics and kinetics of touchscreen interaction, and the effect of backpack load carriage on upper limb nerve conduction, strength and performance measures. Her research is focused on quantitative analysis of human movement to aid ergonomic design, help reduce injuries and prevent disability.
- Ph.D. - Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
- M.S. - Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University
- B.S. - Engineering Mechanics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests
Upper limb biomechanics, pinch strength, grip strength, effects of backpack carriage on upper limb function, nerve compression injury, backpack palsy, touchscreen interaction, kinematics, kinetics, medical imaging
Papers in Refereed Journals
- Maher, S.S., Dill, L.L., Hein, J.L., Nessler, J.A. and Schmidt, D.J. (2022) Forces at the Feet, Gait Timing, and Trunk Flexion/Extension Excursion While Walking with a Gear Belt or Gear Vest Load. International Journal of Exercise Science. 15: 1, 36-44.
- Schmidt, D.J. (2021) Utilizing a Kendama for Transfer of Motor Learning in High School and College Physical Education. California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal. Spring 2021 Vol 7: Issue 1
- Hein, J.L., Sesno, N.N., Armenta, R.F., Nessler, J.A., and Asakawa, D. (2021) Upper Limb Manual Dexterity, Strength and Blood Flow after Walking with Backpack Load. Applied Ergonomics 97:103505 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2021.103505 .
- Hibbert, J. E., Klawiter, D.P., Schubert, M. M., Nessler, J. A., and Asakawa, D. (2021) Strength, Cardiovascular Fitness, and Blood Lipid Measures in Law Enforcement Personnel following a 12-week Health Promotion Program. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004081. Online ahead of print.
- Asakawa, D., Becker M.G., Asaro, J.M., and Hein, J.L. (2022) Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Joint Angle Excursions Vary by Gesture during Touchscreen Interaction. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology.Vol. 62, 102377 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2019.102377
- Asakawa, D., Crocker, G. H., Schmaltz, A., and Jindrich, D.L. (2017) Fingertip Forces and Completion Time for Index Finger and Thumb Touchscreen Gestures. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 34:6-13
- Asakawa, D., Dennerlein, J.T, and Jindrich, D.L. (2017) Index Finger and Thumb Kinematics and Performance Measurements for Common Touchscreen Gestures. Journal of Applied Ergonomics 58:176-181
- Trudeau, M., Asakawa, D., Jindrich, D.L, and Dennerlein, J.T (2016) Two-handed Grip on a Mobile Phone Affords Greater Thumb Motor Performance, Decreased Variability, and a More Extended Thumb Posture than a One-Handed Grip. Journal of Applied Ergonomics 52:24-28
- 9. Lee, J.H., Asakawa, D., Dennerlein, J.T, and Jindrich, D.L (2015) Finger Muscle Attachments for an OpenSim Upper Extremity Model. PLoS ONE 10(4):e0121712. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121712
- 10. Lee, J.H, Asakawa, , Dennerlein, J.T, and Jindrich, D.L (2014) Extrinsic and Intrinsic Index Finger Muscle Attachments in an OpenSim Upper-Extremity Model. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. DOI:10.1007/s10439-014-1141-2
- Blemker, S.S., Asakawa, D., Gold, G., and Delp, S.L. (2007) Imaged-Based Musculoskeletal Modeling: Applications, Advances and Future Opportunities. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.25:441-451
- 12. Asakawa, , Blemker, S., Gold, G., and Delp, S. (2006) Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Muscle Function after Surgery. Skeletal Radiology. 35(12) 885-6
- 13. Asakawa, D., Blemker, S.S, Rab, G., Bagley, A., and Delp, S.L. (2004) Three-dimensional Muscle-Tendon Geometry After Rectus Femoris Tendon Transfer. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 86A(2):348-54
- Gold, G., Besier, T., Draper, C., Asakawa, D., Delp, S.L, and Beaupre, G. (2004) Weight-Bearing MRI of Patellofemoral Joint Cartilage Contact Area. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 20:526-530
- Asakawa, D., Nayak, K., Blemker, S., Delp, S., Pauly, J., Nishimura, D., and Gold, G. (2003) Real-Time Imaging of Skeletal Muscle Velocity. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 18(6)734-739.
- Asakawa, D., Pappas, G., Blemker, S., Drace, J., and Delp, S. (2003) Cine Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Tool for Quantification of Skeletal Muscle Motion. Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 7(4).
- Gold, G., Asakawa, D., Blemker, S., and Delp, S. (2003) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings after Rectus Femoris Transfer Surgery. Skeletal Radiology 33(1)34-40.
- Thelen, D., Riewald, S., Asakawa, D., Sanger, T., and Delp, S. (2003) Abnormal Coupling of Knee and Hip Moments During Maximal Exertions in Persons with Cerebral Palsy. Muscle and Nerve 27(4):486-493.
- Asakawa, D., Blemker, S., Gold, G., and Delp, S. (2002). In Vivo Motion of the Rectus Femoris Muscle after Tendon Transfer Surgery. Journal of Biomechanics 38(8):1029-1037
- Asakawa, D., Pappas, G., Drace, J., and Delp, S. (2002) Aponeurosis Length and Fascicle Insertion Angles of the Biceps Brachii. International Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 2(3)1-7.
- Pappas, G., Asakawa, D., Delp, S., Zajac, F., and Drace, J. (2002) Non-Uniform Shortening in the Biceps Brachii During Elbow Flexion. Journal of Applied Physiology 92:2381-2389.
- Schmidt, D., Arnold, A., Carroll, N., and Delp, S. (2000) Length Changes of the Hamstrings and Adductors Resulting from Derotational Osteotomies of the Femur. In: Year Book of Orthopedics, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, MS.
- Arnold, A. Asakawa, D., and Delp, S. (2000) Do the Hamstrings and Adductors Contribute to Excessive Internal Rotation of the Hip in Persons with Cerebral Palsy? Gait and Posture 11:181-190.
- KINE 303 - Statistics and Research Methods
- KINE 425 - Biomechanics of Human Movement
- KINE 301 - Motor Control and Learning