About Dr. Edward Price
I am a professor in the physics department at Cal State San Marcos, located in North County San Diego. I am also Faculty Director of the CSUSM Center for Research and Engagement in STEM Education.
I teach classes and conduct physics education research.
My research interests include physics curriculum development, STEM faculty development and implementation of research-based instructional strategies; and Informal STEM education and engagement, focusing on K12 students and undergraduate facilitators.
I am the recipient of the 2023-24 Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor Award.
Current position
Professor of Physics at California State University, San Marcos
Previous positions
Postdoc with Fred Goldberg's group at San Diego State University
Assistant Director, Center for Teaching Development, UC San Diego
Faculty Fellow in Physics, UC San Diego
Ph.D., Department of Physics
University of California, San Diego
October, 2001
M.S., Department of Physics
University of California, San Diego
December, 1998
B.S. with Honors in physics
Brown University
May, 1995
Current work:
Informal science education
My informal science education and community engagement efforts through CRESE are a blend of practice and research. The Mobile Making afterschool program is one example. In Mobile Making, a diverse group of CSUSM students (“STEM Ambassadors”) engage local youth in weekly, 90-minute hands-on STEM making activities. We reach over 750 youth annually in Escondido, San Marcos, Vista, Oceanside, and Fallbrook at school sites, libraries and Boys and Girls Clubs. We engage students in solving real-world problems that are personally and socially meaningful to them using low- and high-tech tools such as cardboard, circuity, coding, and robotics. Project evaluation has documented positive impacts around Making and STEM, including sustained interest, increased self-efficacy, and a greater sense of relevance to their lives.
Prior work:
Faculty Online Learning Communities to support use of research-based instructional strategies
I was PI for the Next Gen PET Faculty Online Learning Community (FOLC) project. Our goals included improved student outcomes in physical science courses for pre-service elementary teachers through faculty development and course transformation. We have contributed to the knowledge base on dissemination and educational transformation through research and publications.
Faculty in the NGP FOLC engaged in course transformation and continued professional development through the implementation of Next Gen PET and classroom research in the context of those courses. NGP FOLC was established with 50 faculty, structured in clusters meeting regularly via videoconference, communicating and collaborating using online tools, and meeting in person at conferences and workshops. This community approach to faculty development and course transformation is an innovative alternative to typical dissemination approaches.
Characterizing representations in physics
In this work, Liz Gire (Oregon State physics) and I explore the relationships between an external representation's form, function, and meaning. Our analysis is grounded in distributed cognition and considers how we encode information and meaning in representations, the role of medium (paper, whiteboard, computer), what characteristics describe the types of representations used in physics, and how these characteristics impact the use of representations by physics learners and professionals.
The impact and implementation of educational innovations
I am interested in the impact of technology on the classroom environment. This work includes studying how tools mediate group interactions, students’ use of representations, and student learning.
Some tools and issues I've explored include:
- Writing and peer-evaluation using the web-based Calibrated Peer Review system.
- Spontaneity and Interactivity in the classroom with Ubiquitous Presenter
- Using Tablet PCs as Digital Whiteboards
- Using Tablet PCs as Digital Lab Notebooks
- Wii Remote Based Digital Surface for small group collaboration
Curriculum Development
As part of a collaboration, I helped develop and evaluate the Next Generation Physics and Everyday Thinking (NextGenPET) curriculum. NextGenPET is designed for physics or physical science courses for prospective elementary or middle school teachers, general education science courses, science methods courses, or workshops for practicing teachers. NextGenPET is adapted from several earlier curricula (Physics and Everyday Thinking, Physical Science and Everyday Thinking, Elementary Science and Everyday Thinking, and Learning Physical Science) so it would be better aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.
Course web pages are on Cougar Courses
GES 100: Physical Science around Us
This is a general education, physical science course focused on the conceptual ideas of conservation of energy, Newton's second law, and the small particle theory of matter.
Physics 202: Electricity and magnetism
This is the second semester of our intro physics sequence for physical science and math students. Topics include electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetism, circuits, optics, and special relativity.
Physics 203: Modern Physics
This is the third semester of our intro physics sequence for physical science and math students. Topics include thermodynamics, special relativity, and quantum physics.
Physics 321: Classical Electromagnetism
This upper division course covers the basics of time independent electric and magnetic fields
Physics 323: Quantum Physics
This upper division course covers the basics of quantum mechanics and applications to atoms, molecules, and solids.
Physics 351: How things work
This upper division GE is focused on understanding everyday objects and phenomena in terms of physical principles.
Talks & Publications
Publications on Google Scholar
Next Generation Physical Science and Everyday Thinking. Fred Goldberg, Steve Robinson, Edward Price, Danielle Boyd Harlow, Julie Andrew, and Mike McKean. It’s About Time (2016).
Learning Physical Science, Fred Goldberg, Steve Robinson, Ed Price, Rebecca Kruse, and Danielle Boyd Harlow. It’s About Time (2012).
Select refereed (peer reviewed) publications
Goldberg, F., Price, E., Basir, M., Escalada, L., Maier, S., Sahyun, S., Snyder, T.D., Zeng, L. (2024). Value Creation in a Pedagogically-Focused Faculty Online Learning Community, Journal of College Science Teaching, https://doi.org/10.1080/0047231X.2024.2373018
More, T., Goldberg, F., Basir, M., Maier, S., Price, E. (2024). From Implementation to Reflection: Exploring Faculty Experiences in a Curriculum-Focused FOLC Through Multi-Case Analysis, Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research 6 (7). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43031-024-00097-6
Price, E., Siyahhan, S., Marshall, J., & DeLeone, C. (2023). Mobile Making: A Research-Based Afterschool Program Led by STEM Undergraduates Serving as Near-Peer Mentors. Journal of STEM Outreach, 6(1), 1-12.
Siyahhan, S., Price, E., & Marshall, J. (2023). The Mobile Making Program: Supporting Maker-Based STEM Engagement Among Youth During Out-of-School Time. In J. Spott, L. Sobehrad, & R. Hite (Eds.), Developing and Sustaining STEM Programs Across the K-12 Education Landscape (pp. 23-44). IGI Global.
Martin, M.M., Goldberg, F., McKean, M., Price, E. & Turpen, C. (2022). Understanding how facilitators adapt to needs of STEM faculty in online learning communities: a case study. International Journal of STEM Education 9, 56. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-022-00371-x
Lau, A.C., Martin, M., Corrales, A., Turpen, C., Goldberg, F., & Price, E. The Taxonomy of Opportunities to Learn (TxOTL): a tool for understanding the learning potential and substance of interactions in faculty (online) learning community meetings. International Journal of STEM Education 8, 45 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-021-00301-3
Price, E., Lau, A. C., Goldberg, F., Turpen, C., Smith, S., Dancy, M., Robinson, S. Analyzing a faculty online learning community as a mechanism for supporting faculty implementation of a guided-inquiry curriculum. Int. J. STEM Ed. 8, 17 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-020-00268-7
Kustusch, M.B., Manogue, C., Price, E. (2020). Design tactics in curriculum development: Examples from the Paradigms in Physics ring cycle. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, 020145.
Harlow, D.B. Otero, V.K., Leak, A. E., Robinson, S., Price, E., Goldberg, F. (2020). Learning about teaching and learning while learning physics: An analysis of 15 years of responsive curriculum development. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, 020155.
Corrales, A., Goldberg, F., Price, E., Turpen, C. (2020). Faculty persistence with research based instructional strategies: A case study of participation in a faculty online learning community. Int. J. STEM Ed. 7, 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-020-00221-8
De Leone, C. J., Price, E., Sabella, M. S., & Van Duzor, A. G. (2019). Developing and Sustaining Faculty-Driven, Curriculum-Centered Partnerships Between Two-Year Colleges and Four-Year Institutions. Journal of College Science Teaching, 48(6), 20-27.
Marshall, J., Price, E., & De Leone, C. (2019, March). Near-Peer Facilitated Making for Underserved Populations: Lessons Learned through Program Evaluation. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1359-1369). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
“Validity of peer grading using Calibrated Peer Review in a guided-inquiry, conceptual physics course,” Edward Price, Fred Goldberg, Steve Robinson, and Michael McKean. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 12, 020145 (2016).
“Structural features of algebraic quantum notations,” Elizabeth Gire and Edward Price. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research. 11, 020109 (2015).
“Arrows as anchors: An analysis of the material features of electric field vector arrows,” Elizabeth Gire and Edward Price. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research. 10 (2), 020112 (2014).
“Development and Evaluation of a Large-Enrollment, Active-Learning Physics Curriculum,” Edward Price, Fred Goldberg, Stephen J. Robinson, Danielle Harlow, Michael McKean, Steven Keene, and Kornel Czarnocki. 2013 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, pp. 285-288.
“Supporting scientific writing and evaluation in a conceptual physics course with calibrated peer review,” Edward Price, Fred Goldberg, Scott Patterson and Paul Heft. AIP Conf. Proc. 1513, 318 (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4789716
“Developing the learning physical science curriculum: Adapting a small enrollment, lab, and discussion based physical science course for large enrollments,” Fred Goldberg, Edward Price, Stephen Robinson, Danielle Boyd-Harlow, and Michael McKean. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research. 08 010121 (2012).
“Don’t erase that whiteboard! Archiving student work on a photo sharing website,” Edward Price, Stephen Tsui, Alicia Hart, and Lydia Saucedo. The Physics Teacher 49, 334-336 (2011).
“Ubiquitous Presenter: A Tablet PC-based system to support instructors and students in the classroom,” Edward Price and Beth Simon, The Physics Teacher, Vol 47, pp 570-573 (2009).
"Characterizing the Epistemological Development of Physics Majors with the CLASS," Elizabeth Gire, Barbara Jones, and Edward Price, Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research 5, 010103 (2009).
"Preparing graduate students to be educators," Edward Price and Noah Finkelstein, Am. J. Phys. Physics Education Research Section, Vol 76, pp 684-690 (2008).
Select Invited Conference Talks and Posters (* indicates presenting author)
"Learning about learning while learning physics: An analysis of 15 years of responsive curriculum development." Edward Price*. Invited talk, American Physical Society, April Meeting. Virtual. April 2020.
“Next Gen PET: An effective, NGSS-aligned curriculum for future elementary teachers.” Edward Price*. Invited talk, American Physical Society, March Meeting. Boston, MA. March 2019.
“The Next Gen PET Curriculum and Online Faculty Community” Edward Price*. Invited talk, American Association of Physics Teachers, National Meeting. Washington, DC. July 2018.
“Appreciating the ‘Space’ in Technology Enabled Spaces” Edward Price*. Invited talk, American Association of Physics Teachers, National Meeting. Sacramento, CA. July 2016.
“Making STEM Relevant In Underserved Communities,” Edward Price. Presentation at Next Generation STEM Learning for All: A Forum Supported by the NSF. November 9, 2015
“Using & Coordinating Multiple Representations of a Quantum System,” Elizabeth Gire* & Edward Price. Invited talk, American Association of Physics Teachers, National Meeting. College Park, MD. July 2015.
“Electronic Lab Notebooks, Jet Packs, and Flying Cars” Electronic Lab notebooks,” Edward Price*. Invited talk, American Association of Physics Teachers, National Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. July 2014.
“One Program, Two Sites: A Collaborative University-TYC Learning Assistants Program,” Edward Price*. Invited talk, American Assoc. of Physics Teachers, National Meeting. Portland, OR. July 2013.
“Building an undergraduate physics program with Learning Assistants” Edward Price*, Invited talk, American Physical Society April Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013.
“Using Activity Theory to Understand Technology in the Classroom” Edward Price*. Invited poster, Physics Education Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA, August 2012.
“Complex Interactions Between Formative Assessment, Technology, and Classroom Practices” Edward Price*.Invited Bridging Session (plenary) talk and paper, Physics Education Research Conference, Omaha, NE. August 2011. AIP Conference Proceedings 1413, 59-62 (2012).
“Effectively Using Technology: The Interplay Between Technology, Practices, and Pedagogy” Edward Price*. Invited talk, American Assoc. of Physics Teachers, National Meeting. Portland, OR. July 2010.
“How tools shape classroom practices and collaboration: Examples from introductory physics classes using Tablet PCs” Clarisa Bercovich Guelman, Charles De Leone, and Edward Price*. Invited poster, Physics Education Research Conference, Ann Arbor, August 2009.
“Designing an interactive, student-centered, physical science curriculum for large enrollment, general education courses” Edward Price*. Invited talk, American Chemical Association, National Meeting, Salt Lake City, March 2009.