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Elizabeth Ridder, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Ridder, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Ridder, Ph.D. profile picture
Associate Professor CHABSS Liberal Studies
(760) 750-8298 Social and Behavioral Science Building 4229


GEOG 110: Introduction to Physical Geography (GE B1: Physical Science)
GEOG 120: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems + Lab (GIS) Fall only
GEOG 310: Climate Change and the Anthropocene (GE BB) Fall only
GEOG 350: Environmental Geogarphy
GEOG 450: Parks and Protected Areas Spring only

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Themes: Vegetation response to climate changes. Human landscape use. Urban wildlife.
My research program addresses human-environment interactions at various spatial and temporal scales in arid and Mediterranean environments. This effort is currently centered on examining regional relationships between climate, vegetation, and societies from the Bronze Age to the present in the Levant. In addition, I am constructing models of Cypriot vegetation change that potentially result from climate change predictions. In Southern California, my interest in human-environment interactions focuses on human-wildlife interactions at the urban-wildland interface. This includes continuing collaborative efforts to construct a local-to-regional analyses of the potential for large utility corridors to act as suitable habitat for meso-carnivores in the form of conservation areas and corridors. This work also expands upon my previous species distribution modeling work, examining the applications and relevance of these models in conservation, land-use planning, and decision making.

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E. Ridder, P.L. Fall, and M. Soto-Berelov. In progress. Modeling the past, present and future distributions of woody trees and shrubs on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. To be submitted to Land.
Metzger, M.C., P.L. Fall, S.E. Falconer, and E. Ridder. 2019. Households, feasting, and community at a Middle Bronze village on Cyprus. Proceedings of the Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas.
Ridder, E. 2018. Regeneration of Cypriot Native Plants following Agricultural Abandonment. CSU Geospatial Review. [Non-refereed]

Fall, P.L., M. Soto-Berelov, E. Ridder, and S.E. Falconer. 2018. Toward a Grand Narrative of Bronze Age Vegetation Change and Social Dynamics in the Southern Levant. In Cyber-Archaeology and Grand Narratives, eds. T.E. Levy and I.W.N Jones. London: Springer Nature.
Ridder, E., C.S. Galletti, P.L. Fall, and S.E. Falconer. 2017. Economic and social activities on ancient Cypriot terraced landscapes. Journal of Environmental Management 202: 514-523.
Soto-Berelov, M., P.L. Fall, S.E. Falconer and E. Ridder. 2015. Modeling vegetation dynamics in the Southern Levant through the Bronze Age. Journal of Archaeological Science 53: 94-109.
Galletti, C.S., E. Ridder, S.E. Falconer, and P.L. Fall. 2013. Maxent modeling of ancient and modern agricultural terraces in the Troodos foothills, Cyprus. Applied Geography 39: 46-56.
Fall, P.L., S.E. Falconer, C.S. Galletti, T. Schirmang, E. Ridder, and J. Klinge. 2012. Long-term agrarian landscapes in the Troodos foothills, Cyprus. Journal of Archeological Science 39: 2335-2347.

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