About Dr. Glen H. Brodowsky
Glen Brodowsky has been a professor of marketing at California State University San Marcos since 1996. He teaches courses in marketing, marketing research, global marketing, and consumer behavior at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He is also affiliated with: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; National Cheng-chi University in Taiwan; and Universidad Internacionál Del Ecuador.
His research focuses on global marketing strategy, cross-cultural and intra-cultural differences and their effects on consumer behavior, country-of-origin effects on product choice, luxury marketing, survey research methods, structural equations modeling, and marketing pedagogy.
He is co-editor of two volumes on cross-cultural marketing, and author/co-author of 29 articles in academic journals and 50 papers presented at academic conferences.
He speaks, reads, and writes Mandarin Chinese.
- 1997 - Ph.D., International Marketing, School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo. Buffalo, New York. Expected Completion: December, 1996.
- 1992 - Master of Business Administration (MBA), Marketing and International Business Concentrations, School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York.
- 1987 - Advanced Chinese Studies. Non-degree program. National Taiwan University, The Stanford Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.
- 1986 - Bachelors of Arts, Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois.
1. Wong, J., Brodowsky, G.H, and Ho, F.N. (Forthcoming) “You Ain’t Foolin’ Me! Imposter Judgments in Luxury Status Signaling”, Marketing Letters
2. Sciglimpaglia, D. and Brodowsky, G.H. (2023), “Combating Adolescent Problematic Internet Use: Marketing Segmentartion and Communication of Parental Control Software” Advertising and Society Quarterly 23 (4).
3. Wong, J., Ho, F.N, and Brodowsky, G.H. (2023) “Does Masstige Offer the Prestige of Luxury Without the Social Costs? Status and Warmth Perceptions from Masstige and Luxury Signals” Journal of Business Research 155 (A) Special Issue – Masstige Marketing.
4. Stewart, K.J., Brodowsky, G. H., and Sciglimpaglia, D., (2022) Parental Supervision and Control of Adolescents’ Problematic Internet Use: Understanding and Predicting Adoption of Parental Control Software," Young Consumers 23(2) 213-232.
5. Sciglimpaglia, D. and G.H. Brodowsky (2021) “What Drives Young Consumers to Drink? Attitudinal, Normative, and Advertising Drivers of Adolescents’ Intentions to Consume Beer and Alcohol,” Advertising and Society Quarterly22 (2).
6. Sciglimpaglia, D., Tarr E.K. and Brodowsky, G.H. (2021) Does Easy Access to Casinos Influence Gambling Behavior by College Students? The Potential Role of Tribal Gaming in America, Journal of Addictive Disorders, 8: 065.
7. Sciglimpaglia, D, Tarr, E.K, and Brodowsky, G.H.,(2020) Advertising and Peer Influences on Teen and Young Adolescent Alcohol Consumption Decisions: A Theory-of-Reasoned-Action Approach, Journal of Promotion Management 27(3) 417-440.
8. Brodowsky, G.H., Tarr, E.K., Sciglimpaglia, D., and Ho, F.N. (2020), Tolerance for Cheating from the Classroom to the Boardroom:A Study of Underlying Personal and Cultural Drivers, Journal of Marketing Education, 42 (1), 23-36 Special Issue on Diversity
9. Ho, F.N., Brodowsky, G.H. & Lee, S., (2018). How much more (or less) Is a brand worth when made In a low labor-cost country? It depends upon who and where you ask. Journal of Promotion Management, 24 (3),295-311.
10. Stewart, K.J., G.H. Brodowsky, & B.B. Anderson (2018). Brand and country influences on purchase intentions: A theory-of-reasoned-action approach.Journal of Promotion Management, 24 (2)) 251-269.
11. Anderson, B.B & G.H. Brodowsky (2016). Chronological age versus life horizon: Exploring the concept of aging in consumer behavior. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 9(2), 27-35.
12. Schuster, C.P, B.B. Anderson & G.H. Brodowsky (2014). Secondary data collection:Classroom activities for learning. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, Spring, 11-32.
13. Schuster, C.P., G.H. Brodowsky, & B.B. Anderson (2013). Construct equivalency and cross-cultural perceptions of time. International Journal of Consumer Research, 2(1), 1- 19.
14. Taylor, R. L. & G.H. Brodowsky (2012). Integrating cross-cultural marketing research training in international business education programs: It’s time, here’s why and how. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 23(2), 1-28.
15. Gruber, T., A. Lowrie, G. Brodowsky, A. Reppel, R. Voss,& I.N. Chowdhury, (2012). Investigating the influence of professor characteristics on student satisfaction and dissatisfaction: A comparative study.” Journal of Marketing Education, 34 (2), 165-178.
16. Pillai, R, J.C. Kohles, M.C. Bligh, M.K. Karsten, & G.H. Brodowsky, (2011).Leadership in ‘Confucian Asia’: A three-country study of justice, trust, and transformational leadership” Organizational Management Journal, 8, 242-259.
17. Su, E, Y.A. Huang, G.H. Brodowsky, & H.J. Kim. (2011). The impact of product placement on TV-induced tourism: Korean dramas and Taiwanese viewers.Tourism Management. 32 (4), 805-814.
18. Brodowsky. G.H. & R. Taylor, (2010). “Is that your final answer? “Improving and moving beyond standard multiple-choice marketing questions. Journal of the Academy of Business Education. 10, Spring, 147-162.
19. Brodowsky, G. H. & G.W. Lawson (2010). From grading to reviewing: Providing meaningful feedback in a case-based MBA Course. Ethics and Critical Thinking Journal, September 15.
20. Brodowsky, G.H., C.P. Schuster, B.B. Anderson, O. Meilich, & V. Venkatesan, (2008).If time is money, is it a common currency? Time in Anglo, Asian, and Latin cultures. Journal of Global Marketing, 21 (4), 245-258.
21. Brodowsky, G. H., N. Granitz, & B.B. Anderson (2008). The best of times is now: A studyof the gay sub-culture’s attitudes toward time. Time & Society, 17 (2/3), 233-260.
22. Brodowsky, G.H. & G. Belch, (2006). As seen on TV and now in a marketing classroom near you: The infomercial. Marketing Education Review, 16 (1), 23-27.
23. Brodowsky, G.H., J. Tan, & O. Meilich (2004). Managing country of origin choices:Competitive advantages and opportunities. International Business Review, 13 (6), 729-748.
24. Pillai, R. S. Stites Doe, & G.H. Brodowsky (2004). Marketing the presidency: Do leadership and scandal mix? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34 (6), 1109-1130.
25. Brodowsky, G.H. & B. B. Anderson, (2003). Student perceptions of communication skills: Writing, presentation and public speaking. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 4, 13-22.
26. Anderson, B.B. & G. H. Brodowsky, (2001). A cross-cultural study of waiting as a satisfactiodriver in selected service encounters. The Journal of East WestBusiness, 7 (1), 11-36.
27. Erevelles, S., V. Horton, G.H. Brodowsky, & J. Caragan (2000). Managing questionnaire related non-response bias. Journal of Marketing Management, 10 (1), Spring- Summer.
28. Brodowsky, G. H. & B. B. Anderson (2000). A cross-cultural study of consumer attitudes toward time. Journal of Global Marketing, 13 (3), 93-109.
29. Brodowsky, G.H., (1998). The effects of multiple countries of origin on evaluation and attitudes toward buying Japanese versus American Automobiles: Acomparison between low and high ethnocentric consumers. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 10 (3), 85-103.
30. Lukas, B. A. & G. H. Brodowsky (1998). Successful invention management:Formalizing the generation and validation of new product ideas. Competitive Intelligence Review, 9 (4), 20-22.
- Brodowsky, G.H., R.D. Perren, and C.P. Schuster (2022) A Handbook of Ethnic and Intra-Cultural Marketing, Edgar Elgar Publishing, UK.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & C.P. Schuster, eds (2020) A Handbook of Cross Cultural Marketing, Edgar Elgar Publishing, UK.
- Cadwallader, S. & G. H. Brodowsky, eds. (2010) , The Pinnacle of Marketing Education, Proceedings of the 2010 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Brodowsky, G. H. & R. A. Lupton, eds. (2009), New Horizons in Marketing Education, Proceedings of the 2009 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Newport Beach, CA.
- Feori-Payne, M. and Brodowsky, G.H. (2023) “Reading Reflections to Foster Engagement”, Marketing Educators’ Association annual conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2022), “In sickness and in health: Health and wellness marketing”, Presented at Tricon – Trinity Research and Idea International Congress, Trinity University of Asia, Quezon, Philippines (virtual).
- Wong, J., G.H. Brodowsky, and F.N. Ho (2022) “Race and Status Evaluations” Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Monterey, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H., S. Cadwallder, B. Gross, D.Ackerman, F. Ho, J.Myers, and B.Ong (2022) Do online classes lead to more cheating? Exploring faculty experiences and responses to Cheating During the CoVid-19 Pandemic”, Presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Seattle, Washington.
- Sciglimpaglia, D and G.H. Brodowsky (2022) To What Extent Can Technological Solutions Be Used to Address Problematic Internet Use and Who are the Likely Users?, Poster Session, INTED Conference, Valencia, Spain (Virtual)
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2019), “All International Marketing is Global: But Not Vice Versa”World Education Day Conference, Dalian, China
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2018), “The Critical Need for International Mareketing Education Courses in Business Education,” World Education Day Conference, Jinan, China.
- Brodowsky, G. H. & A. Omens (2017), “Student research to create academic-municipal-industrial partnerships: Attracting Chinese Investment to America’s Rustbelt, Poster Session at the University-Industry Interaction Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
- Anderson, B. B., G. H. Brodowsky, V. Dalakas, R. Perren, & K.J. Stewart, (2017). Building, maintaining, and sustaining a diverse faculty. Special Session Panel Discussion, 2017 Marketing Educators Association Conference, San Diego, CA
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2017). Keeping up with the Khardasians, Joneses: Designing consumer behavior and marketing exams,” Presented at 2017 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C.P. Schuster, & B. B. Anderson (2017), Potential branding strategies for the Asian electronics industry. Presented at the 2017 Marketing ManagementAssociation Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Brodowsky, G. H., F.N. Ho, & S. Lee (2016). How much more (or less) is a brand worth when made in a low labor-cost country? A multi-national conjoint study of Asianlaptop brands. Presented at the 54th Annual Society for Marketing Advances Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C. P. Schuster, &B.B. Anderson (2016), Country image as competitive advantage: Branding giants and others in the Asian electronics industry. Presented at the International Conference at Business and Internet, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
- Anderson, B. B. & G.H. Brodowsky (2015). Chronological age versus life horizon: Exploring the concept of ageing in consumer behavior. Presented at the Marketing Management Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Brodowsky, G.H., S. Cadwallader, E.V. Carter, & K. Celli (2014). A cross-campus approach to online education: A collaborative faculty-driven approach to redesigning principles of marketing. Presented at the 2014 Marketing Educators’Association Conference, San Jose, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2013). When the going gets tough, the tough get going: Marketing in economic downturns. Presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on ChangingBusiness Practices in the Current Environment, University of Mumbai, India.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B. B. Anderson (2013). Second guessing secondary data: Getting students to reflect on what the internet really has to offer. Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Portland, OR.
- Brodowsky, G. H., C. P. Schuster, & B. B. Anderson (2013) “Country image as competitive advantage: The Asian electronics industry. Presented at the 3rdAnnual Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Singapore.
- Neu, W. & G.H. Brodowsky (2012). The group assignment social network: Unintended consequences of group assignments. Presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Long Beach, CA.
- Schuster, C.P., G. H. Brodowsky, & R. Lupton, (2012). Where and how to fit business analytics in the marketing curriculum. Special Session, Marketing Educators’Association, Long Beach, CA.
- Anderson, B.B, C. P. Schuster, & G.H. Brodowsky (2012). Temporal patterns and orientation: Cross-cultural differences of importance to marketers. Presented at the Marketing Management Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Brodowsky, G.H., T. Gruber, T. Hayes, J. Helmsley-Brown, A. Lowrie, & P. Murphy, (2012). Marketing for higher education: Ethics and development in a global market. Special Session, American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C.P. Schuster, & B.B. Anderson (2012). Consumer confidence as a function of time orientation: A cross-cultural study of attitudes toward past, present, and future. Presented at the International Conference in Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Noida Campus.
- Brodowsky, G., W. Neu, N. Spielmann, T. Gruber, A. Lowrie, A. Reppel, & R. Voss (2011). Do marketing professors have a special role to play in developing meaningful services-marketing-based measures of student evaluations of teaching. Special Session presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Ackerman, D. O. DeShields, G. Brodowsky, & B. Gross, (2011). Traveling across borders in marketing education. Special Session presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Gruber, T., A. Lowrie, G. Brodowsky, A. Reppel, & R. Voss, (2010). How students want to be treated in student-professor encounters: An Intra-National Comparison Study. Presented at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Boston, MA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & G. Lawson, (2010). From grading to reviewing: Providing meaningful feedback in a case-based MBA marketing course. Presented at the MarketingEducators’ Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Taylor, R. & G. H. Brodowsky (2010). International marketing research: Too big and too important to fit into a single chapter. Presented at the Marketing Educators’Association Conference, Seattle WA.
- Kohles, J., M. Bligh, R. Pillai, M. Carsten, & G.H. Brodowsky (2009). Leadership in Confucian Asia: Similarities and differences of justice, trust, and leadership outcomes in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Recipient of JohnYanouzas Outstanding Paper Award. Eastern Academy of Management Managing in a Global Economy XIII Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- Gruber, T., A. Reppel, G.H. Brodowsky, & R. Voss (2009). Revealing female and male students’ satisfaction with the characteristics of effective professors. Presented at American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Gruber, T. A. Reppel, G.H. Brodowsky, & R. Voss, (2009). Service encounters in higher education: Investigating the influence on the satisfaction and dissatisfaction ofstudents. Presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Newport Beach, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C.P Schuster, & B.B. Anderson, (2008). Universalist versus absolutist approaches to measuring time concepts across cultures. Presented at the Association for Global Business Twentieth Annual International Conference, Newport Beach, CA.
- Chang, K, & G.H. Brodowsky (2008). The relationships among attitude, brand equity and repurchase intention: The case of skincare products in Taiwan. Presented at the Society for Marketing Advances, San Antonio, Texas
- Brodowsky, G.H. & R. Taylor, (2008). “Is that your final answer? Improving and moving beyond standard multiple-choice marketing questions. Presented at the 2008Marketing Educators Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Brodowsky, G.H., & B.B. Anderson (2006). Sometimes, two heads aren't better than one: Lessons learned from team teaching. Presented at the 2006 MarketingEducators' Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. O. Meilich, B.B. Anderson, & V. Venkatesan, (2006). If time is money,is it a common currency? Presented at the 2006 at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B.B. Anderson (2005). "Data, data everywhere but they never stop to think: A case study in developing an effective research methods Course. Presented at the 2005 Marketing Educators' Association Conference, La Jolla, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2005). What the Sneetches teaches: Dr. Seuss as a marketing teaching tool. Presented at Marketing Educators' Association Conference, La Jolla, CA.
- Brodowsky, G. H., M. Pass, & B.B. Anderson, (2004). “Not on a school night: Using creative scheduling as a strategic advantage in an increasingly complex educational marketplace. Marketing Educators’Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Brodowsky, G. H., M. Pass, & B.B. Anderson, (2004). Planning non-traditional academic schedules: How changing times necessitate changing times on campus. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, HI.
- Pillai, R., J. Kohles, & G.H, Brodowsky (2004). “Leadership, justice, trust and outcomes in the PRC and the SAR (Hong Kong): Two sides of the same coin? First Conference on Cross Cultural Leadership and Management, June 2004, Seoul Korea.
- Watson, K. M. & G.H. Brodowsky (2004). Achieving content and relational communication goals: A model of media choice. Presented in an Interactive Session of the Academy of Management Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Anderson, B.B. & G.H. Brodowsky (2003). Social time insights in higher education. Presented at ISIDA International Conference on Time and Management. Palermo, Italy.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B.B. Anderson (2003). The sacred weekend. Presented at the ISIDA International Conference on Time and Management. Palermo, Italy.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B. B. Anderson (2003). Cross border shopping behavior: The case of college students living in a border region. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, HI.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B.B. Anderson (2002). Why Johnny can’t write: An analysis of the effectiveness of a business writing requirement in a college of business curriculum. Presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association conference, San Diego, CA.
- Brodowsky, G. H. & G. Belch (2002): The infomercial: The handy-dandy marketing teaching tool. Presented at the 2002 Marketing Educator’s Association, San Diego, CA.
- Anderson, B.B. & G.H. Brodowsky (2000). Time over time: A study of how Mexican consumers’ concepts of time have changed over time. Presented at the ISIDA International Conference on Time and Management. Palermo, Italy.
- rodowsky, G.H. & Justin Tan, (1999) Managing country of origin: Understanding how country of design and country of assembly affect product evaluations and attitudes toward purchase. Presented at American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference.
- Erevelles, S., G.H. Brodowsky, O. Salazar, & V. Horton, (1999). Minimizing questionnaire-related bias in marketing research. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Conference, Winter.
- Jain, A. K., G. H. Brodowsky, & M. Divan (1993) “Sonka meats: A case study. Proceedings of the Eastern Case Writers Association.
Dissertation Research
A Comprehensive Model of the Role of Country-of-Origin on Consumer Purchase Decisions
Case Studies
Jain, A., G. Brodowsky, and M. Divan - 1994 The Role of Marketing in Privatizing Hungarian Firms
Jain, A., G. Brodowsky, and M. Divan - 1993 Sonka Meats, a Case Study
- Dissertation Research
- A Comprehensive Model of the Role of Country-of-Origin on Consumer Purchase Decisions
- This dissertation develops and tests a comprehensive theoretical model of country-of-origin effects on consumer beliefs, attitudes and purchase behavior. Most previous studies identified differences in consumer evaluations of products "made in" different countries (Nagashima1971, 1977). Some focused on the effects of country-of-origin on consumer purchase decisions (Schooler and Wildt 1968; Han 1988). Country-of-origin itself has become less clear with the growth of multinational production Han and Terpstra (1987) and Chao (1992) studied the effects of both country-of-design and country-of-assembly for bi-national products on product evaluations. Like most studies, they focused on country effects on consumer beliefs about products, but not the effects of country on attitudes toward buying products. Recently the product country literature has begun to focus on consumer characteristics such as consumer ethnocentric tendency (Shimp and Sharma 1987) and consumer patriotism (Han 1988) as an explanation of differing country-of-origin "effects" across consumers.
- The recently completed dissertation built a comprehensive theoretical model of country-of design and assembly effects on consumers' product beliefs and attitudes toward purchasing products designed and manufactured in different countries. The model incorporated measures of relevant consumer characteristics such as ethnocentrism, as well as social norms that affect decisions of whether or not to purchase foreign, domestic, or bi-national products. The model is similar to that suggested (but as-yet untested) by Obermiller and Spangenberg (1989) and has its foundation in the extended Fishbein Model and the Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975). A structural equations model was estimated using data from a survey instrument using data collected from 422 car owners. The results have shown that country of origin affects highly ethnocentric consumers' attitudes toward buying cars, whereas among consumers who are not highly ethnocentric, country is as used a cue of product quality.
- Case Studies
- 1994 The Role of Marketing in Privatizing Hungarian Firms
- Jain, Brodowsky and Divan - 1994 The Role of Marketing in Privatizing Hungarian Firms
- Three cases study the role of marketing in the transformation of three formerly state-owned Hungarian enterprises at various stages of the privatization process. Text and full teaching notes for all three cases as well as analysis of some of the broad issues and problems Hungarian firms are facing. The cases will be translated and published in Hungary.
- 1993 Sonka Meats, a Case Study
- Jain, Brodowsky and Divan - 1993 Sonka Meats, a Case Study
- Sonka Meats is a formerly state-owned Hungarian firm that produces a variety of pork products. The case illustrates the marketing issues facing the company as it prepares to become a private enterprise competing in the international market. Published in 1994 proceedings of the Eastern Case Writers Association.
Undergraduate Courses Taught | MBA Courses Taught |
Guest Lecturer at the Following Institutions
- Univeridad Internacional Del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador 2009
- Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Ensenada Mexico 2009
- National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, ROC 2009
- National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan, ROC 2007-2009
- National Cheng-gong University, Taiwan, ROC 2007
- National Chang-hua University of Education, Taiwan, ROC 2007
- National Chong-cheng University, Taiwan, ROC 2007
- Di-wan College of Management, Taiwan, ROC 2007
- Osher Institute of Lifelong Learning, San Marcos, CA 2006-2009
- University of California Irvine Extension 2005
- Northeastern University, Shenyang, Peoples Republic of China 2004
- University of California Riverside Extension 1997-2006
- Sciglimpaglia, D. and Brodowsky, G.H. (2023), “Combating Adolescent Problematic Internet Use: Marketing Segmentartion and Communication of Parental Control Software” Advertising and Society Quarterly 23 (4).
- Wong, J., Ho, F.N, and Brodowsky, G.H. (2023) “Does Masstige Offer the Prestige of Luxury Without the Social Costs? Status and Warmth Perceptions from Masstige and Luxury Signals” Journal of Business Research 155 (A) Special Issue – Masstige Marketing.
- Stewart, K.J., Brodowsky, G. H., and Sciglimpaglia, D., (2022) Parental Supervision and Control of Adolescents’ Problematic Internet Use: Understanding and Predicting Adoption of Parental Control Software," Young Consumers 23(2) 213-232.
- Sciglimpaglia, D. and G.H. Brodowsky (2021) “What Drives Young Consumers to Drink? Attitudinal, Normative, and Advertising Drivers of Adolescents’ Intentions to Consume Beer and Alcohol,” Advertising and Society Quarterly22 (2).
- Sciglimpaglia, D., Tarr E.K. and Brodowsky, G.H. (2021) Does Easy Access to Casinos Influence Gambling Behavior by College Students? The Potential Role of Tribal Gaming in America, Journal of Addictive Disorders, 8: 065.
- Sciglimpaglia, D, Tarr, E.K, and Brodowsky, G.H.,(2020) Advertising and Peer Influences on Teen and Young Adolescent Alcohol Consumption Decisions: A Theory-of-Reasoned-Action Approach, Journal of Promotion Management 27(3) 417-440.
- Brodowsky, G.H., Tarr, E.K., Sciglimpaglia, D., and Ho, F.N. (2020), Tolerance for Cheating from the Classroom to the Boardroom:A Study of Underlying Personal and Cultural Drivers, Journal of Marketing Education, 42 (1), 23-36 Special Issue on Diversity
- Ho, F.N., Brodowsky, G.H. & Lee, S., (2018). How much more (or less) Is a brand worth when made In a low labor-cost country? It depends upon who and where you ask. Journal of Promotion Management, 24 (3),295-311.
- Stewart, K.J., G.H. Brodowsky, & B.B. Anderson (2018). Brand and country influences on purchase intentions: A theory-of-reasoned-action approach.Journal of Promotion Management, 24 (2)) 251-269.
- Anderson, B.B & G.H. Brodowsky (2016). Chronological age versus life horizon: Exploring the concept of aging in consumer behavior. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 9(2), 27-35.
- Schuster, C.P, B.B. Anderson & G.H. Brodowsky (2014). Secondary data collection:Classroom activities for learning. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, Spring, 11-32.
- Schuster, C.P., G.H. Brodowsky, & B.B. Anderson (2013). Construct equivalency and cross-cultural perceptions of time. International Journal of Consumer Research, 2(1), 1- 19.
- Taylor, R. L. & G.H. Brodowsky (2012). Integrating cross-cultural marketing research training in international business education programs: It’s time, here’s why and how. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 23(2), 1-28.
- Gruber, T., A. Lowrie, G. Brodowsky, A. Reppel, R. Voss,& I.N. Chowdhury, (2012). Investigating the influence of professor characteristics on student satisfaction and dissatisfaction: A comparative study.” Journal of Marketing Education, 34 (2), 165-178.
- Pillai, R, J.C. Kohles, M.C. Bligh, M.K. Karsten, & G.H. Brodowsky, (2011).Leadership in ‘Confucian Asia’: A three-country study of justice, trust, and transformational leadership” Organizational Management Journal, 8, 242-259.
- Su, E, Y.A. Huang, G.H. Brodowsky, & H.J. Kim. (2011). The impact of product placement on TV-induced tourism: Korean dramas and Taiwanese viewers.Tourism Management. 32 (4), 805-814.
- rodowsky. G.H. & R. Taylor, (2010). “Is that your final answer? “Improving and moving beyond standard multiple-choice marketing questions. Journal of the Academy of Business Education. 10, Spring, 147-162.
- Brodowsky, G. H. & G.W. Lawson (2010). From grading to reviewing: Providing meaningful feedback in a case-based MBA Course. Ethics and Critical Thinking Journal, September 15.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C.P. Schuster, B.B. Anderson, O. Meilich, & V. Venkatesan, (2008).If time is money, is it a common currency? Time in Anglo, Asian, and Latin cultures. Journal of Global Marketing, 21 (4), 245-258.
- Brodowsky, G. H., N. Granitz, & B.B. Anderson (2008). The best of times is now: A studyof the gay sub-culture’s attitudes toward time. Time & Society, 17 (2/3), 233-260.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & G. Belch, (2006). As seen on TV and now in a marketing classroom near you: The infomercial. Marketing Education Review, 16 (1), 23-27.
- Brodowsky, G.H., J. Tan, & O. Meilich (2004). Managing country of origin choices:Competitive advantages and opportunities. International Business Review, 13 (6), 729-748.
- Pillai, R. S. Stites Doe, & G.H. Brodowsky (2004). Marketing the presidency: Do leadership and scandal mix? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34 (6), 1109-1130.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B. B. Anderson, (2003). Student perceptions of communication skills: Writing, presentation and public speaking. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 4, 13-22.
- Anderson, B.B. & G. H. Brodowsky, (2001). A cross-cultural study of waiting as a satisfactiodriver in selected service encounters. The Journal of East WestBusiness, 7 (1), 11-36.
- Erevelles, S., V. Horton, G.H. Brodowsky, & J. Caragan (2000). Managing questionnaire related non-response bias. Journal of Marketing Management, 10 (1), Spring- Summer.
- Brodowsky, G. H. & B. B. Anderson (2000). A cross-cultural study of consumer attitudes toward time. Journal of Global Marketing, 13 (3), 93-109.
- Brodowsky, G.H., (1998). The effects of multiple countries of origin on evaluation and attitudes toward buying Japanese versus American Automobiles: Acomparison between low and high ethnocentric consumers. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 10 (3), 85-103.
- Lukas, B. A. & G. H. Brodowsky (1998). Successful invention management:Formalizing the generation and validation of new product ideas. Competitive Intelligence Review, 9 (4), 20-22.
- Brodowsky, G.H., R.D. Perren, and C.P. Schuster (2022) A Handbook of Ethnic and Intra-Cultural Marketing, Edgar Elgar Publishing, UK.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & C.P. Schuster, eds (2020) A Handbook of Cross Cultural Marketing, Edgar Elgar Publishing, UK.
- Cadwallader, S. & G. H. Brodowsky, eds. (2010) , The Pinnacle of Marketing Education, Proceedings of the 2010 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Brodowsky, G. H. & R. A. Lupton, eds. (2009), New Horizons in Marketing Education, Proceedings of the 2009 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Newport Beach, CA.
- Feori-Payne, M. and Brodowsky, G.H. (2023) “Reading Reflections to Foster Engagement”, Marketing Educators’ Association annual conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2022), “In sickness and in health: Health and wellness marketing”, Presented at Tricon – Trinity Research and Idea International Congress, Trinity University of Asia, Quezon, Philippines (virtual).
- Wong, J., G.H. Brodowsky, and F.N. Ho (2022) “Race and Status Evaluations” Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Monterey, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H., S. Cadwallder, B. Gross, D.Ackerman, F. Ho, J.Myers, and B.Ong (2022) Do online classes lead to more cheating? Exploring faculty experiences and responses to Cheating During the CoVid-19 Pandemic”, Presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Seattle, Washington.
- Sciglimpaglia, D and G.H. Brodowsky (2022) To What Extent Can Technological Solutions Be Used to Address Problematic Internet Use and Who are the Likely Users?, Poster Session, INTED Conference, Valencia, Spain (Virtual)
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2019), “All International Marketing is Global: But Not Vice Versa”World Education Day Conference, Dalian, China
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2018), “The Critical Need for International Mareketing Education Courses in Business Education,” World Education Day Conference, Jinan, China.
- Brodowsky, G. H. & A. Omens (2017), “Student research to create academic-municipal-industrial partnerships: Attracting Chinese Investment to America’s Rustbelt, Poster Session at the University-Industry Interaction Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
- Anderson, B. B., G. H. Brodowsky, V. Dalakas, R. Perren, & K.J. Stewart, (2017). Building, maintaining, and sustaining a diverse faculty. Special Session Panel Discussion, 2017 Marketing Educators Association Conference, San Diego, CA
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2017). Keeping up with the Khardasians, Joneses: Designing consumer behavior and marketing exams,” Presented at 2017 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C.P. Schuster, & B. B. Anderson (2017), Potential branding strategies for the Asian electronics industry. Presented at the 2017 Marketing ManagementAssociation Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Brodowsky, G. H., F.N. Ho, & S. Lee (2016). How much more (or less) is a brand worth when made in a low labor-cost country? A multi-national conjoint study of Asianlaptop brands. Presented at the 54th Annual Society for Marketing Advances Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C. P. Schuster, &B.B. Anderson (2016), Country image as competitive advantage: Branding giants and others in the Asian electronics industry. Presented at the International Conference at Business and Internet, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
- Anderson, B. B. & G.H. Brodowsky (2015). Chronological age versus life horizon: Exploring the concept of ageing in consumer behavior. Presented at the Marketing Management Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Brodowsky, G.H., S. Cadwallader, E.V. Carter, & K. Celli (2014). A cross-campus approach to online education: A collaborative faculty-driven approach to redesigning principles of marketing. Presented at the 2014 Marketing Educators’Association Conference, San Jose, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2013). When the going gets tough, the tough get going: Marketing in economic downturns. Presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on ChangingBusiness Practices in the Current Environment, University of Mumbai, India.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B. B. Anderson (2013). Second guessing secondary data: Getting students to reflect on what the internet really has to offer. Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Portland, OR.
- Brodowsky, G. H., C. P. Schuster, & B. B. Anderson (2013) “Country image as competitive advantage: The Asian electronics industry. Presented at the 3rdAnnual Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Singapore.
- Neu, W. & G.H. Brodowsky (2012). The group assignment social network: Unintended consequences of group assignments. Presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Long Beach, CA.
- Schuster, C.P., G. H. Brodowsky, & R. Lupton, (2012). Where and how to fit business analytics in the marketing curriculum. Special Session, Marketing Educators’Association, Long Beach, CA.
- Anderson, B.B, C. P. Schuster, & G.H. Brodowsky (2012). Temporal patterns and orientation: Cross-cultural differences of importance to marketers. Presented at the Marketing Management Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Brodowsky, G.H., T. Gruber, T. Hayes, J. Helmsley-Brown, A. Lowrie, & P. Murphy, (2012). Marketing for higher education: Ethics and development in a global market. Special Session, American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C.P. Schuster, & B.B. Anderson (2012). Consumer confidence as a function of time orientation: A cross-cultural study of attitudes toward past, present, and future. Presented at the International Conference in Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Noida Campus.
- Brodowsky, G., W. Neu, N. Spielmann, T. Gruber, A. Lowrie, A. Reppel, & R. Voss (2011). Do marketing professors have a special role to play in developing meaningful services-marketing-based measures of student evaluations of teaching. Special Session presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Ackerman, D. O. DeShields, G. Brodowsky, & B. Gross, (2011). Traveling across borders in marketing education. Special Session presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Gruber, T., A. Lowrie, G. Brodowsky, A. Reppel, & R. Voss, (2010). How students want to be treated in student-professor encounters: An Intra-National Comparison Study. Presented at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Boston, MA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & G. Lawson, (2010). From grading to reviewing: Providing meaningful feedback in a case-based MBA marketing course. Presented at the MarketingEducators’ Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Taylor, R. & G. H. Brodowsky (2010). International marketing research: Too big and too important to fit into a single chapter. Presented at the Marketing Educators’Association Conference, Seattle WA.
- Kohles, J., M. Bligh, R. Pillai, M. Carsten, & G.H. Brodowsky (2009). Leadership in Confucian Asia: Similarities and differences of justice, trust, and leadership outcomes in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Recipient of JohnYanouzas Outstanding Paper Award. Eastern Academy of Management Managing in a Global Economy XIII Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- Gruber, T., A. Reppel, G.H. Brodowsky, & R. Voss (2009). Revealing female and male students’ satisfaction with the characteristics of effective professors. Presented at American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL..
- Gruber, T. A. Reppel, G.H. Brodowsky, & R. Voss, (2009). Service encounters in higher education: Investigating the influence on the satisfaction and dissatisfaction ofstudents. Presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Newport Beach, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H., C.P Schuster, & B.B. Anderson, (2008). Universalist versus absolutist approaches to measuring time concepts across cultures. Presented at the Association for Global Business Twentieth Annual International Conference, Newport Beach, CA.
- Chang, K, & G.H. Brodowsky (2008). The relationships among attitude, brand equity and repurchase intention: The case of skincare products in Taiwan. Presented at the Society for Marketing Advances, San Antonio, Texas
- Brodowsky, G.H. & R. Taylor, (2008). “Is that your final answer? Improving and moving beyond standard multiple-choice marketing questions. Presented at the 2008Marketing Educators Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Brodowsky, G.H., & B.B. Anderson (2006). Sometimes, two heads aren't better than one: Lessons learned from team teaching. Presented at the 2006 MarketingEducators' Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. O. Meilich, B.B. Anderson, & V. Venkatesan, (2006). If time is money,is it a common currency? Presented at the 2006 at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B.B. Anderson (2005). "Data, data everywhere but they never stop to think: A case study in developing an effective research methods Course. Presented at the 2005 Marketing Educators' Association Conference, La Jolla, CA.
- Brodowsky, G.H. (2005). What the Sneetches teaches: Dr. Seuss as a marketing teaching tool. Presented at Marketing Educators' Association Conference, La Jolla, CA.
- Brodowsky, G. H., M. Pass, & B.B. Anderson, (2004). “Not on a school night: Using creative scheduling as a strategic advantage in an increasingly complex educational marketplace. Marketing Educators’Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Brodowsky, G. H., M. Pass, & B.B. Anderson, (2004). Planning non-traditional academic schedules: How changing times necessitate changing times on campus. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, HI.
- Pillai, R., J. Kohles, & G.H, Brodowsky (2004). “Leadership, justice, trust and outcomes in the PRC and the SAR (Hong Kong): Two sides of the same coin? First Conference on Cross Cultural Leadership and Management, June 2004, Seoul Korea.
- Watson, K. M. & G.H. Brodowsky (2004). Achieving content and relational communication goals: A model of media choice. Presented in an Interactive Session of the Academy of Management Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Anderson, B.B. & G.H. Brodowsky (2003). Social time insights in higher education. Presented at ISIDA International Conference on Time and Management. Palermo, Italy.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B.B. Anderson (2003). The sacred weekend. Presented at the ISIDA International Conference on Time and Management. Palermo, Italy.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B. B. Anderson (2003). Cross border shopping behavior: The case of college students living in a border region. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, HI.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & B.B. Anderson (2002). Why Johnny can’t write: An analysis of the effectiveness of a business writing requirement in a college of business curriculum. Presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association conference, San Diego, CA.
- Brodowsky, G. H. & G. Belch (2002): The infomercial: The handy-dandy marketing teaching tool. Presented at the 2002 Marketing Educator’s Association, San Diego, CA.
- Anderson, B.B. & G.H. Brodowsky (2000). Time over time: A study of how Mexican consumers’ concepts of time have changed over time. Presented at the ISIDA International Conference on Time and Management. Palermo, Italy.
- Brodowsky, G.H. & Justin Tan, (1999) Managing country of origin: Understanding how country of design and country of assembly affect product evaluations and attitudes toward purchase. Presented at American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference.
- Erevelles, S., G.H. Brodowsky, O. Salazar, & V. Horton, (1999). Minimizing questionnaire-related bias in marketing research. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Conference, Winter.
- Jain, A. K., G. H. Brodowsky, & M. Divan (1993) “Sonka meats: A case study. Proceedings of the Eastern Case Writers Association.
Dissertation Research
A Comprehensive Model of the Role of Country-of-Origin on Consumer Purchase Decisions
Case Studies
- Jain, A., G. Brodowsky, and M. Divan - 1994 The Role of Marketing in Privatizing Hungarian Firms
- Jain, A., G. Brodowsky, and M. Divan - 1993 Sonka Meats, a Case Study
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California State University San Marcos (CSUSM)
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- Member of Academic Senate Executive Committee 2002-2018
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- NEAC (Nominations, Elections, and Constitution) Committee
- WASC accreditation reaffirmation committee, first year student retention
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- Faculty Affairs Committee Academic Policy and Programs Committee
- Professional Leave Committee
- Consultant to the President
College of Business Administration (CoBA), CSUSM
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- Department of Marketing and Management Chair
- AACSB Steering Committee
- College Strategy Team
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- MBA Curriculum Committee, Chair
- Periodic Review Committee of the Dean, College of Business
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